An Inward Journey:

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


Facing yourself in your darkest moments, really looking inward as to how and why you are feeling that way is absolutely daunting for most people.

That’s why people self-medicate, that’s why they run away, that’s why they may have a feeling that things just aren’t right even though everything in their live's seems fine on the outside.

When you get to know a new person it is an amazing discovery, and so too is getting to know yourself.

Many of us are merely beginning our journey's of self-discovery. To enter this journey brings forth an array of possibilities in growth and transformation.

While alone, facing the seemingly lowest moments of your existence, you challenge yourself to move forward, you challenge yourself to look inward and consequently outward to free yourself and your inner being.

Maybe it’s your anger, your bitchiness, your stubbornness or any other destructive trait you may have that is holding you back. If you do realise these limitations and you really want to discover yourself, you have the ability to do so.

There is a negative connotation with being alone, that you’re ‘lonely’, and people may often question your life choices at that particular period.

But think for a moment, how would you pass an exam if you didn’t study? How would you succeed if you didn’t immerse yourself in the content?

Now it’s not about chucking a Tom Hanks Castaway and removing yourself completely from friends, family and society. It’s about questioning yourself and probing a little more than you may have done previously. Because not only will you benefit from this, but so will those around you.

Some of you may be thinking

“The only trip I’m going on is to Cancun to party all summer”,

which by all means is great and will probably be an awesome experience that will teach you things about yourself and your friends. But in order for your life to be examined and entered into, in order to break limiting patterns, to understand why you do things and how, why something upsets you so strongly and it doesn’t affect other people, this introspective trip holds to answers.

Organising an overseas trip may be fun and exciting but planning an introspective journey is potentially life changing and forever beneficial.

Would you not rather create a life inside of you that you’re happy to wake up to everyday than having to constantly look outward for it? Oh and not to mention this is completely free of monetary means.

Once you explore deep enough into your psyche it’s as if you discover a key which unlocks a part of yourself which can never be locked again.

The journey of self-awareness begins at any time, only if you are ready.


- viazenar

For more self-development articles, original poetry & quotes please follow @viazenar

(Image 1 & 2: Unknown Artists)



I love this! Thank you for the message of Love & Connection that you are sharing with this Universe. Grateful for your medicine. Looking forward to future posts from you! Lots of Love!

Thank you so much! 🌻 I really appreciate it.

Inspiring! Following your blog now.

Thank you! Much appreciated ☄

I use cognitive behavioral therapy. Every day it helps maintain irationally impulse to respond to negativity. And it gives me a good amount of time to focus solely on me. It takes alot of work to stop a habit that was taught to you or that you learned to do. I apply this to more than just traits I have within myself. Like my bitchiness. Lol

I'm happy to hear you have found something that works for you :) most people don't realise that they can essentially re-wire their brains!

It is an incredible amount of work and constant battle to keep yourself able to move forward with it. Alot of people aren't willing to look at themselves that deeply fr that long.

That is it. Nobody said it would be easy. But it is rewarding! ☄

Absolutely my friend!

Woahhhh. That's well written. I'm ready to begin my journey of self-awareness!

Feel free to check out my new post. <3

Thank you :) I am glad you enjoyed it. Best of luck on your journey ☄

I'm following you back because I really connect to this post. Re-Enlightening....I love that last line.

Thank you 🌻 @jonnyrevolution I really appreciate it.

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