Limitless Love (Original Poem):

in #blog7 years ago


Imagine we could love limitlessly, not bound by social constraints

Not bound by race, religion, rules or rewards

Not bound by gender, by visual imperfections of uneven faces or bodies too slender

Love would transcend

Transcend convenience stores of 24 hour service, of noise polluted roads and air polluted factory remains of our nervous systems

Love would be possible

The spectrum of possibility would include vibrancies of every possible shade shone by the rainbow itself, not a boastful display but a selfless nobility of expression

Each echo of loving energy, radiating uncontrollably yet with complete geometric accuracy pinpointed by snowflakes falling in the winter

From soul to soul, mind to mind, the waves of emotion ride like fluid dancers being spun so slowly where each subtle movement reveals a galaxy in their souls which we would have never known existed

A utopia seems as though it only exists in paper, in twenty six letters on screens, in ideas and fantasies securely hidden away

For maybe one moment which will feel as though it were a thousand moments defying all understanding of time, we will be there

“Can I ask you a question?”

“How would you love if you were not afraid of love?”

(Artwork: Tomasz Alen Kopera)


Thank you for such a beautiful poem.

Thank you for taking the time to read it!

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