Fostering a Balanced Life – How to Live in Balance:

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


In order to live a life of balance we must understand the important elements that make up our day to day living. We all have different values and beliefs that we hold close to our hearts, but at their core essence, you’ll find most of them are very similar. Most people want to live a fulfilling life full of happiness and joy. In order to live life and love life there are certain aspects we can concentrate on to ensure we are fulfilled in every way.

Living in the Present vs. Goal Setting:

One of the core things you can do in order to live a fulfilling life is the balance between living through the present moment whilst also having set goals and milestones that you will reach. When we live in the present moment we let go of our fears and worries and it enables us to enjoy the pleasure of whatever we are doing. In order to maintain a balance in life we must also set short-term and long-term goals whether it be; “Learn Chinese in 2 years” or “buying a first home in 3 years”. Having reasonable short-term and long-term goals helps us maintain a framework by which we can live our life allowing us to keep in check with our passions and soul purpose. People can often get too caught up in just living for the moment and forgetting about the future, while others can be focused so much so on the future that they forget about what’s happening right here, right now. It is vital to keep the balance between these two.

Healthy body – Food and Exercise:

Our physical body is the vessel that takes us through life so it is only logical that we take care of it. By moderately and consistently exercising we can create a balanced body which runs us through day to day life. Consistency is key here when we are discussing the body as often people go on fad diets, or exercise intensely for weeks on end, then a month or two later they get back into negative habits undoing all the good they have done. If you notice that your weight or health tends to fluctuate quite a lot, this might be an area that is lacking in balance. Maintaining a healthy balance with your diet and exercise regime will mean that you don’t go from one extreme to the next, and you will notice the change in not only your physical body but your mental and emotional body as well.

Spiritual – Emotion & Mental Self:

Nurturing our spiritual selves is another element which some people tend to completely forget. If you feel unfulfilled in your life, it may be here that you are really lacking. Nurturing your spiritual self may mean getting in touch with your emotional or energetic body through activities such as yoga and meditation, or it could mean involving yourself in new social groups. For some people this is the area that is most important to them, and is the core reason for existence. What we need to remember is that life is multi-faceted and in order to be fulfilled and joyful we must expend energy in all aspects of our lives positively, not just in the ones we find the easiest or the most pleasurable. By addressing our spiritual selves we tap into our emotional and mental bodies which can be amazingly life changing as we learn more and more about ourselves and are able to clear unnecessary rubbish. Your spiritual connection is also vital for your relationship with yourself, and how you interact with and take care of your emotional and mental body.


Social connections including relationships such as friendships, romantic relationships and familial relationships is another area that needs attention and focus. People often underestimate how important their relationships are with other people. A good gauge of understanding how fulfilled this area of your life is, is by measuring the quality and depth of the relationships of those around you. Making effort to connect and keep connected with positive people and friends in your life can be very beneficial. You must also be aware not to allow negative people to take over your life and rule your relationships. Have fun and enjoy these connections, and always make time for new relationships to be made, and always make time to strengthen those relationships you already have. Having a positive network around you can influence the remaining areas of your life unknowingly.


Your work, career or mission, whatever way you look at it will be a major part of your life taking up a clear majority of your time. By balancing this element and bringing a sense of passion and fulfillment in this area will allow you to feel fulfilment. Many people place all their focus on their career without fostering their relationships with others, while other people may drift through life with no set understanding of what their mission is, too afraid to take the leap. By knowing what your purpose is to do on this earth, and by doing this with a positive attitude, your career or mission can be a wonderful aspect of your life, giving you energy and resources rather than sucking them away.


Unfortunately, or fortunately, whichever way you look at it we live in a world where we need physical money (whether it be paper money or cryptocurrency) to function in the day to day world. By balancing the rest of the elements in our life and being smart with how we generate and invest our money we can maintain a harmonious balance using these currencies to undertake day to day activities. Some people place far too great importance on money, forgetting about the rest of the elements that comprise their life, while others completely dismiss money all together claiming it to be the evils of all evil. By meeting at the middle ground and being aware of the positive aspects generating money can provide as well as being creative and honest in the ways its being made, your life will regain balance.

Adulthood seriousness vs. Childhood Innocence:

Ah, the perils of life and how they can easily bring us down. But why let them? If we are able to see the child-like wonder in moments of adultness, then we can break down these frowns we have burrowed on our faces. There of course needs to be a balance, where seriousness is applied in somber situations or making life changing decisions. However, I think as adults, many of us have the tendency to become too serious and in turn forget how much fun it is to let our hair down and go with the flow. So if you find yourself getting beat down by life’s hardships, take a step back and imagine you are a child again playing and partying like there is no tomorrow!

Balance is Key to a Joyful Life


- viazenar


For more self-development articles and original poetry please follow @viazenar

Peace & Blessings to all

(Image 1: Geoglyphiks)
(Image 2: Christian Schloe)


Hi @viazenar! Beautiful post! It's interesting how you describe being in the moment and having short and long term goals as a trade-off. Is that also your personal experience? As I was reading your post, I was thinking it through and I would say that for me, having a clear and unworried mind (a.k.a. being in the present moment, not running of to pains from past or worries about future) is a prerequisite to do the best planning and setting of goals. Only present-mindedness makes me capable of seeing the future clearly, because it helps my mind not to be clouded with rubbish from either moments that are already passed or yet to come. Just interested to know, what are your thoughts on this?

Thank you for your valuable input. I guess we are referring to the present moment in different ways. When I plan and goal set my mind is focused on the future, when I speak of the present moment I mean the still awareness of the 'now'.

A present and clear mind definitely sets the stage for excellent planning however once in the mode of goal-setting the mind must leave the present (even if it is just for a short time).

What I speak of is not to allow the future planning to take over, nor allowing the planning to not take place at all. 🌻

I hope that clears it up 🤗

Cool. Yes, it's the 'being in the present moment' definition that makes the difference here :). I guess it's the difference whether we experience the present moment as a still awareness, or rather just as an awareness. Definitely, creating an inner stillness can be very helpful for building that awareness. However, once the awareness is cultivated, it is there, no matter if there's a whole lot or a whole lot of nothing going on.
Anyways, thanks for the reply, I gave you a follow. I am (just started, so maybe should say will be) posting on similar topics. Who knows I'll see you around on one of my posts too? I feel still a lot of value can be added to Steemit where it comes to posting and blogging about these topics that really matter and can make so much of a difference for daily life. For happy, successful, joyous living. At this point in time, still having a little bit of difficulty finding my way around Steemit and finding posts that are of interest to me, that cover these topics. Was thinking we should maybe start a new hashtag, #significance or something like that - for posts that carry value like this one of yours to stand out and be more easy to find... Think that would work (seeing that you are around a bit longer)?

Maintaining this balance is a perilous necessary journey. One step too far towards one of polarity, and the path between will asunder.

Thank you for your comment. Peace to you :)

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