Music is magic….Music is emotion #11 The loss of a friend

in #blog6 years ago

Mothers finest is one of those bands that you have to see live. The energy and funkyness is unbelieveable. I played in a band once (called Sixstrings ) where we played four songs of Mothers Finest.

  • Like a negro
  • Piece of the rock
  • Baby love
  • Cry baby

And for me as a bassplayer is was so much fun to play, the bassplayer of Mothers finest is one funky animal.
ALthough I love all the songs mentioned, Cry baby has a real special meaning to me, or to us (my wife and me).
When we hadn't any kids we had a dog called "Bo", he was a black labrador retriever. In the beginning we had a lot of difficulties with him because his former owners really neglected him. So he had a bit of a attitude, something you can't blame him for. We put a lot of work and love into Bo, we've trained him a lot... And after a while he knew that we we'rnt going to leave him..... From that day on it was the best and sweetest dog you could imagine.... We had so much warmth, love and affection from and to him... He was our child , our family...

When Bo was 8 years old he was diagnosed with acute leukemia, incurable. It was like a knife in our heart.
We asumed he stayd a much longer time with us, but it was not granted to us.... Although he was on medicine, Bo stayed the cheerfull dog.... Because of the medicine he had to go out more often, so I slept at our couch.... No effort...everything for my big black friend.... when we were on the couch, we played this song.....And after we had to put him to rest, this was our song...for me, my wife and Bo..... He was a true friend, true family...


So that is why this song means the world to us....


I got emotional to see this photo.. really heart touch pic.. @banjo @cleverbot please see this

Are You A Boy?

Thank you, the photo says it all I think. It was at one of his last days in our garden. Looking at me with his faithfull eyes..... It was such a beatifull and great dog..... Although it's quiet a long time now, still mis him like crazy... Thank you again...

I play bass too. I love being the core of the song.

I played acoustic guitar for so long, I needed to try something else.

Stay funky brotha!


A great, another bass-player :) Always good to know more and more partners in crime :)
I play guitar to, indeed mostly acoustic relaxed at home. What I love about playing bass is you can make the difference in a band by just give a twist on your basslines.... And ofcourse together with the drums being the rythmsection, the locomotif of music ;)


Thank you bro!!

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