Take A Break Every Once In Awhile (Original Blog)

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Don't worry everyone, I know I post on Steemit like everyday, and I'm all over the place engaging with our awesome community, but this near-full week break from posting was well needed. Just as many of you can relate, I have been extremely busy. More music (beats & full songs), poems, stories, steemit member collaborations, projects, art and updates are coming very soon, so thanks for waiting and being patient. Due to a deadline, I'll be posting again later today. See you all in a little bit. Back to the music laboratory I go.


A well deserved break, everyone needs a rest :-)

You are very correct, and I hope you rest up when you feel you need it as well! Thanks for stopping by and being my first comment after my hiatus :)

Hi I am glad you're back...

Thank you very much, I have returned, yes! I just posted a new beat, check it out when you have time :)

Woohoo! Well-earned break, my bro. Just pace yourself so you wouldn't have to deal with any untoward health issues. Family comes first always, then everything else.

Definitely bro, I completely agree, I might go on another hiatus soon, gotta always handle life first, that's a given and an easy decision to make. But anything I focus on, i give it my all. Appreciate the sound advice

Wecome back bro @verbal-d,im glad your back im sure you rest well..God Bless bro..

Thank you very much bro, God bless, appreciate the kind words

I was wondering your not active,thats why i e- mail you..worried a little bit no reply,but now feel comfortable..your back to the community..😊😊

Oh I never got the email, but thanks for checking in, no need to worry, just really busy bro, I appreciate that!

Im satisfied that your back 😊😊

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