{Part 3} Swimming with Dolphins, Mermaids and Discovering Atlantis - WARNING: This work of fiction contains erotic scenes and pornographic depictions and is definitely #NSFW

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

Part 1 of the story! | Part 2 of the story!


There I stood on the docks of Atlantis, with my daughter (and soon to be wife), Fate, on my arm staring into the eyes of my son (Fate's twin brother). It still seemed like all a dream but I was beginning to embrace the fact that I would soon be taking my place as leader of Atlantis. The first outsider ever to hold any position of power in Atlantis. In fact, as far as I knew, I was the only outsider ever even invited to stay in Atlantis. Then like a man on a mission, Frank (my son) grabs my other arm and whisks me off to the main hall. With thousands of hopeful Atlanteans following close behind us.

"Attention everyone, attention" Frank bellowed out as we approached the King's Seat at the end of the Great Hall. "Our Salvation has returned to us to restore the balance in Atlantis and bring forth a new generation of Male Atlanteans" he continued as I was seated in the King's Seat by him and Fate. "He is my father and the only male to bear male offspring in Atlantis, and he is going to marry the former king's daughter and take his rightful place as the new King of Atlantis....please everyone give him a big welcome and make him feel like the Saviour and Salvation that he is!".

With that note, I found myself being cared for and provided for like you would not believe. Thousands of women came by offering gifts of food, clothing, attention and more. I could tell this was making Fate jealous, but she was hiding it well so I didn't say anything at the time. After the Meet-n-Greet was over, Fate and I retired to her house for a quite evening alone. We were soon to be married and I wanted to know more about my Fate, my daughter, my hero that had made me the King of Atlantis. Before we even got into her house good she let me have it....."you are loving this aren't you" and "how many of them are you going to bed, huh?" came flowing out of her enraged mouth like a viper striking it's prey. Yep, she was pissed, but why I wondered, I was going to save Atlantis and ensure it's future survival.....couldn't she see that?

When she finally calmed down and sat with me to talk she explained that when she left Atlantis to come find me there were hundreds of Males in Atlantis and that she had no way of knowing that this would be the Atlantis she would bring me to. She hadn't known her father had died or that her Brother had been running the kingdom in his absence. She told me that she abhored the idea of sharing me, even if it meant saving Atlantis but that she would get used to it as long as I was her King, her Husband and her lover.....she made me promise her that no matter what, at the end of the day I would bed her, every day for as long as I could. I gladly promised I would, the thought of having as much sex as I want with as many beautiful women as I wanted and still getting to make love to her every night was almost to much to contain.....and then it happened, the excitement got the best of me and as I sat there talking to Fate I exploded....no not in rage, I could not contain the force of the Salvation Sperm any longer and it erupted from my body with the force of a tidal wave. Spraying right threw my denim shorts and almost hitting Fate in the face as she began speaking again.


Without even finishing her words Fate dropped to her knees and gently opened my shorts and pulled them off. Tossing them to the side she promptly began licking my entire mid section, cleaning up my mess with her tongue. When I was sufficiently clean again, and still throbbing with excitement, she stood and grabbed my hand. Dragging me behind her as she sped to the bedroom; shedding her clothes along the way. Then she threw herself on the bed, looked up at me and said "Tonight I am nothing more than one of the thousands of other Atlantean women you want to bed, so fuck me like you are going to fuck them!"

With my marching orders now firmly delivered I leaned over her, gently kissing her on the belly. As my lips began homing in on the Queen's Treasure she arched her back and moaned with anticipation. When I found the spot, the 'treasure' she arched it even more. Wrapping my hands around her waste I pulled her up into the air, with my face still firmly entrenched between her thighs. Spinning us around I placed her back firmly against the wall as my tongue plunged deep into her sweet Atlantean vagina. Ever deeper I probed, while curling my tongue upwards and touching places no man had ever touched before. She screamed out in ecstasy as I found the magic spot, from the inside.

Then with a rapid wiggle she slid from my grip but before her feet even hit the ground she shoved me back towards the bed. As I fell onto the bed she hoped on me and began riding the enourmousness of my manhood. It have never been this big, or even close. The Atlantean Viper had risen to new heights and it was really starting to hurt.....not that she cared at all.....she was the horniest she had ever been and was determined to keep my attention focused on her, no matter how many other women I would end up impregnating.

She she rode that wild stallion, for an hour, then another. Somewhere around the four hour mark I passed out (fell asleep). When I awoke some 12 hours after this escapade had begin I quickly realized that the King's Viper was still standing in attention, but Fate was no where to be found. My sense has not fully awoken yet when I jumped out of bed and walked into the living room to see if Fate was still at home. Right as all my senses began working I stepped into the living room, with the King's Viper leading the way like a blind man's walking stick; only to realize that there were over a dozen beautiful Atlantean Women sitting around Fate's living room awaiting the arrival of their soon to be King. Completely stark naked, I stood there as they one by one came to me and introduced themselves to the King's Viper. They were all extremely oral in their introductions and I must confess, he wasn't complaining and nor was I.

If you enjoy my writing and would like to, please



Wonderful heartfelt story).
Followed your blog. Forward to continuing.

I just get horny right now ;) Good job

Just wait until Part 4....you will be playing with yourself for hours....LOL

Hi! @venuspcs
Thank you for wonderful story.

Accidentally put Part 2 in , oops it is fixed now! Part 3 lives!

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