Linux, phone posting and other information technology mishaps...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blog6 years ago

...the "free" internet is pretty much over...

you are block!
More and more the *information super high way" turns in to a one way toll road, with speed bumps...well, I crashed that analogy, but you understand what I am saying. Internet used to be obscure and neglected and therefore poorly regulated, but is now becoming an "utility". You know what is funny about utilities? They are both heavily subsidised and taxes. I remember when I lived in Holland water and gas were taxed at about 100%: half the money you paid were taxes and levies. Internet is expensive, but not that heavily taxed yet here in the UK, but it will be. EU data collection laws make it hard to see random US news sites.

Linux mint experiment

@captainklaus recommend mint when my laptop needed a new OS install and after lots of trouble it works, kinda. It does not play nice with my GPU and I remember my brother spending hours to get it to work on Debian. I think I'll settle for this now, just happy to be able to use it again. I am not technical or practical and I have a tendency of breaking stuff, so yeah I will just see how this goes...


@rudyardcatling called me a "phone poster" and a "trout". I flagged some of his "distribution posts" where the income of a post is divided between the voters. I thought this stuff is low effort spamming, so I flagged those posts... So words were had and he threatened me with violence. We ended up blocking each other. This dude is technical and has some interesting projects going on ( I upvoted some of his good posts. I don't dislike the guy, I just really hate the "free money 111" posting). He also blamed me for being rich, because I powered up. I am not rich ( well, I am, but not 100k $ in STEEM rich,just " I have money to spend on hobbies and personal development" rich, which is still richer than 99% of the world population).

meditation and stuff

I am still trying the breathing exercises by Wim Hof which I paid 150 Euros for. It is pretty entertaining and possibly effective, but is basically "just" trancedental meditation with some physical exercises thrown in. I think Wim Hof is a nice guy, but not as smart or as original as the hype makes him look. He is the "wise fool": the Taoist ideal and my personal favourite archetype. He does not fully comprehend what he is doing, which is fine, but that also means he is no master. I will review the course more in depth when I finish the whole thing.

Vander Impromptu 

keep calm and steem on! ♨️

Be safe, stay sane and prosper

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