Planting some vegetable seeds, and spending the day on Steemit

in #blog7 years ago

Good morning, everyone! I'm going to be posting a rare @valth blog today, but don't worry - a biology post is on the horizon, but it will be posted pretty late tonight.

This week has been pretty crazy for me, so I have been unable to answer all comments lately. I have however read some of the great comments that you guys have left, and I'm looking forward to taking a deep dive into the big backlog of stuff I need to answer. So, you are not forgotten!

Today is one of the rare days when I have a whole day to myself, so it's a great time to read up on all the cool stuff that has been posted on the Steem blockchain lately. So, today I'm going to be doing three things:

1) Plant some seeds

With a whole day to myself, I will finally be able to spend a few hours planting seeds to grow some vegetables. It's still almost 50cm of snow outside, but the sun is actually pretty strong these days, so it should be pretty doable to start growing the seeds inside these days.


It is usually my wife that is responsible for the small garden we keep, but this year is extremely busy for her, so the honor is all mine now. It will be exciting to see if I can pull it off!

I do have lots of theoretical knowledge about botany and plant physiology, but I don't really think knowing which hormones that is responsible for the different responses in the plant will be of much use when trying to grow some stuff! Hehe

Anyway, I picked up a big bag of soil (because the one in my garden is still covered in snow) and the three bags of seeds that you can see in the picture for only $10, so it won't be a huge loss if I mess up completely. We also have some leftovers from last year, so it will be a nice garden for someone who used to only help out with it when needed.

Anyway, if anyone got some great protips for a first-time solo gardener, make sure to let me know!

2) Take the dogs out in the great winter weather!

The weather outside is amazing today despite the fact that it is still winter here. It should really be spring by now, but I guess we have to be stuck with winter for a few more weeks. Anyway, since the weather looks great with a clear blue sky, it will be a great time to go for a small hike with the dogs.


This guy loves a hike! Image by @valth.

3) Spend time on Steemit

The third and final thing I want to do today is to spend a lot of time on Steemit, and checking out all the comments and posts that have been published in the last 3-4 days. I see that the activity has been a bit lower than usual in the last few days, which is not that unexpected when we look at the price of Steem, but I still think that the people who stop posting because of a low price will regret it.

I have much confidence that Steem will grow a lot bigger in the next few months, and it is one of pretty few blockchains that actually have a great utility. I get that many people are bleeding pretty hard by the correction we are currently in, but I'm sure those of us who just keep holding out assets will make a nice profit from it once the correction is done.

Still, seeing Steem for less than $2 is pretty sad, especially when it used to be pretty steady around $6 a few months ago. But I guess it's a great opportunity to be active, earn some Steem, and Power Up!


And a random milestone

I actually did a milestone post when I reached 2,500 followers, but I did not have any plans to make another one for a good while. However, I see that I just reached 3,000 followers already, so I guess the blog post was timed even better than I had anticipated. Thank you very much for following me everyone! I really appreciate that so many people have taken the time to read my posts and leave great comments on them.



Haha dette var artig @Valth
Jeg har nettopp lagt ut en post selv hvor jeg skriver om at jeg har startet planting av grønnsaker :)
Nå får vi håpe varmen kommer slik at vi kan få ting ut i hage og drivhus

Well, it is great to give some time to your self and your family,
Well, do you know one tree can produce oxygen for at least 16 kids,
So it is great to see you are doing this great work.
As you said your wife's efforts are behind the garden you have in your home, now it's your time to add some From yourself to the beautiful garden you have,
Weather between winter and summer is one of the best weather we can have, snow melting due to sun, it looks amazing,
enjoying the sunshine in winter is just great..
Thanks for sharing your thought with us,
in the end, don't worry steem will go up soon!
Feel free to visit my blog for home remedies Sir! @abdulmanan.

Congrates on reaching a milestone. have earned it...
And yeah we have taken a hit, courtesy of recent correction but I believe good times are coming and those who remain faithful will be rewarded. ..
Night is darket before the dawn so I say hold in there for a new morning is coming soon. ..

congratulations @valth for 3k followers and one of them is me 😜😜
@valth you have great plans for whole day wish you best day ahead 👍👍
yup me too have full confidence that steem will grow high soon and this is the best time to buy steempower but i'm new here so i can't avail this opportunity 😛😛. Anyways it's enough for me to read good blogs 😊😊@valth yor are going to plant some seeds so i share some steps with you hope it helps you 😊
First of all you have tofind some trays or pots.Fill the seed tray with seed compost.Moisten the surface of the compost
Sprinkle the seeds evenly over the compost.Cover the seed Tray.Place the seed tray in a warm place.Uncover the seedlings once they germinate.
Transplant the seedlings.Keep transplanted seedlings in the shade
umm but as you said there is 50cm snow outside so i didn't face such situation whenever i plant seeds so look as yourself have great day God bless you

I was at a meetup in Dublin last night and one of the guys who attended was so bullish on Steem it was infective. I think your right now is a great time to post and earn some Steem.

Have a great day.

Hehe, bullish prediction about Steem can indeed be infective! But as said, I do really believe that it will go much higher, mainly due to the fact that this blockchain has a great utility compared to most others.

Have a great day yourself, @eroche! And thanks for stopping by :)

Gøy med planting. Og imponerende. Jeg tar stort sett livet av sånt dessverre.

Ja, det er artig å plante litt smått :) Vi pleier å ende opp med å drepe en god del av plantene her i huset også, men får se hvordan det ender opp med å gå i år. Man trneger ikke å glemme dem i mange dager før de takker for seg.

And that's a great way to start the weekend.... Congratulations on your achievement and keep Steeming!

Thanks! Yeah, it is for sure a great way to start it :) And thank you very much for the resteem!

This looks like a relaxing routine to do on the weekends after a looong week of work :)

Regarding the steem price, I think it will raise as it was 6 and even 8 before. I found a new blog to read, I really like biology and I think I will learn a lot from someone who is very passionate about it. I'm curious, are you a biologist?

Yeah, it really is :)

I think you are right; it could easily go back up to $6-8 and even higher. Thanks for following my blog, and sorry that I didn't get to reply earlier! I'm actually an ecologist, so not too far away from being a biologist :)

A great combo it is , there is a life beyond steemit and we should enjoy that too.

Yeah, it really was a great combo ;)

I see that the activity has been a bit lower than usual in the last few days,

It probably is also because steemit was very very slow for last couple of days..
It is working alright now.

That's a good point! I guess a lot of people just stop checking after a few hours, and I can't really blame them..

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