
Why should I respect a person who hates themselves? They are a crumby human being, and they know it. Not my fault.

I know first-hand how awful depression, anxiety, PTSD, and mental illnesses can be, and I know how meds can permanently screw up a person's physical ability to think clear thoughts from a sound mind. No different from alcoholism and addiction to heavy drugs.

When the majority of the people in the world fall into the category of mental screw-ups, they are going to pull down all the mentally-fit people down to their low standards of life.

We have to use our superior intellect and positivism to rise above their patheticness and desire for mediocracy for all. The upper echelon is always the minority, and it makes them stronger because they thrive on making themselves the best they can be. Meritocracy for the achievers is the only way civilization can hope to evolve into a species that will function better together. Power does not corrupt. Weakness decays greatness.

When the majority of the people in the world fall into the category of mental screw-ups, they are going to pull down all the mentally-fit people down to their low standards of life.

Mental screwups nowadays -> Violence is bad, killing animals is bad, multiculturalism is good, white males are evil, globalism is good, etc.

We have to use our superior intellect and positivism to rise above their patheticness and desire for mediocracy for all.

Not only that, it also requires mental strength, it is mentally very hard to keep on going when the world seems to against you, especially when you are a white man in Europe, racism against white people is rampant here in the EU yet nobody talks about it, I will change that.

i had the same length and formatting style as other people on the feminism and multicultural post and you didn't respond on one of my comments and wrote tldr on the other- just say that you're not willing to engage in actual dialogue (not shouting matches or weird name calling) with people who disagree with you.

I am posting here for almost a year everyday, I have worked together with many people on video and on posts which you haven't done in the way I did.

So before you open your mouth and talk shit about me then you should AT LEAST, know me.

You also approve of me getting kicked out of TSU for having a different opinion, with that said, you will now join my mute list because apparently, you seem to be a damn idiot.

From Thomas Jefferson: "Errors of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it."

He was a really big man, patriot, founding father, and with others engaged statesmans, they saw the truth, and the importance of clear vision.

They did great the USA, from a little exploitation colonies.

In todays terminology (aka pc), they are just terrorists and hatespeachers. What??

Its insane.

Yes, insane, because they want to enslave the whole world and apparently white people seem to be a huge problem, in fact, such a huge problem, that we are always called racists, sexists, nazis and so furth while Blacks, Latinos and Muslims can do all such racist, sexist and such things and get away with it.

Racism against whites is a big problem, especially because many white people actually support that (like Kennieskitchen for example who spreads love and tolerance for everyone while white people are being treated like shit by the global community except in Asia).

Doesnt problem if somebody is racist or sexist or nazi or something. We have free will, and we have mind, we can thinking, and choose our believe. Its be some people, who believe for example faeries or ghosts. Doesnt matter, everybody have a right to believe in anything.

The problem is that, if you want to rule the other people with force, and acting. This is crime. As long as you say, is free speech. When you do, its a crime, it is violent against freedom.

So while the world community "white people are being treated like shit" its just a free speech. If do something, been a criminal, the trash of humanity.

And the second thing: a men have his/her own reality, and the most of times, it doesnt match to the real reality. Humans are not rational, and they live their life based on own hypothesis, not the facts.

Somebody's reality come true in 24/7, because not facing any other reality. And if things happen, and facing other realities, can choose the change, or stay in own believe-zone.

So you can change other minds, because they dont see any needs to change. And honestly dont this is our work, in this life, in this 3D existing. We are responsible for ourselfs, not others.

You have to learn the lessons. All of us have to, alone.

If people think, the pc is good thing, their reality deliver this, to their door. Or not. But everyone should take responsibility.

I know no one, who say, the pc is good, and SAME time who have a good life.

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