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RE: Weapons of Mass Destruction & Control - #2 Multiculturalism

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Non-factual, illogical, hate-filled and childish responses?

Read the fucking post you delusional retard.

My hate for this shit stems from my love that I have for this country, the animals on it, the culture and history of my people.

German people are turning against Islam en mass, that is a damn fact, that immigrants and refugees are doing crime en mass is a damn fact and that the EU snake Merkel wants that is a damn fact as well because she invites those and doesn't kick them out.

They can rape women here and get out of prison while a German guy would rot 15 years for that in prison.

And this ain't only happening here in Germany, this happens in France, Sweden, and many other so tolerant european nations.

You call me non-factual and illogical? haha, also, you know for a good amount of time that I don't share your values.


segregation will never work.. and only serve to cause more problems.. and long term.. especially IF climate change ends up where it is headed.. we are going to see even more shifts of people en mass.. Imagine if Germany floods and You need a new home.. you will be grateful if you are given a new land i can tell you! We Have to learn to live together.. and mesh! We alll share this one tiny planet and the more of us that live here, the more we must learn to get along!

segregation will never work.. and only serve to cause more problems.. and long term.. especially IF climate change ends up where it is headed.. we are going to see even more shifts of people en mass.. Imagine if Germany floods and You need a new home.. you will be grateful if you are given a new land i can tell you! We Have to learn to live together.. and mesh! We alll share this one tiny planet and the more of us that live here, the more we must learn to get along!

Segregation is normal in prison.

What do you mean with flooded? I just guess you mean war.

We are all different, we will never be able to live together in peace all the time because that is unnatural.

Getting along means compromising parts of who you are for people that come from a different nation and demand your help.

They are the ones that have to compromise, and besides that, if they are fleeing from war (I guess that is what you mean with floods?), then why are they crossing 10 countries first to get to central Europe looking all shiny with their accurate haircuts?

I don't know where you live Alex, but if you were living here in Europe in one of the tolerant nations you would understand me better but that is not required, the facts are laid out.

Can you imagine being a 2nd class citizen in your own country while migrants get more rights and help from society than you do?

If you know that, then I can tell you, that this is how it is as a German man in Germany now.

It's like being Black in America 60 years ago, with the exception that you are the native of Germany and the government and even your own people piss all over you.

i tell you what mate.. im going to write a post now on this.. just to say.. i have no desire to attack you personally.. but I will be really speaking against your opinions.. its a lot to say and I think worth a post.. this is a hot topic right now.. and especially in Germany.. i used to live in Germany when i was a kid.. so i understand the culture and why some Germans in particular prefer things how they were.. nevertheless, i really disagree so im gonna just do my best to explain my opinions.. I don't expect or want to try to change your opinions also, i can see you feel very strongly about them, but i would like the other side of the answer to be seen and heard by all!

Everyone knows your politically correct side of peace love and harmony and that we are all the same.

Good chance to make some profits with your delusional ideals eh? hehe.

Do you actually realize that people like you are part of the problem that we have here in Europe? This absolute tolerance drunkenness of people like you have further ruined western society.

Why should anyone REALLY care about your post? You have no arguments, it will just be another money cash grab virtue signal circle jerk of delusional bullshit which is every 2nd post here on Steem.

Don't expect me to comment on it tho, answering comments here on my posts really becomes a pain in the ass at the moment lol.

I think what's so awful about your posts is your willingness to attack and denigrate anyone who wants to challenge you. Rather than behave like a human being and listen to the other side of the argument, or politely consider where others are coming from, you choose to be vicious and nasty. You weren't kicked from TSU because you voiced your views, but because of your nastiness.

If you attack me, I am going to be nasty, hiding your attack in good tone is still an attack, a cowardly one.

I think what's so awful about your posts is your willingness to attack and denigrate anyone who wants to challenge you.

So you conclude that from 1-2 posts? lol, guess what, people that really know me will disagree and I for sure will, because I know myself better than anyone ever will.

And it depends how you challenge me, lowkey trying to get me removed from a team will make me seriously mad, and that alex faggot did exactly that, which is apparently not obvious to you but no surprise, Kennie is delusional, so it must be logical that anyone of this TSU cult is too. Just like any leftist with their love, peace and happiness bullshit.

Kennies crew, kennies right to kick me, I was quite mad about it but not anymore.

I don't want to be in a crew with delusional people.

Suicidal brainwashed white males & women that don't lash out against Multiculti even tho racism against whites in Europe is rampant are a big problem.

I'm sorry you feel so angry. I can see why you might feel this way. Of course I can see that from these posts, as well as this one, where you call someone a 'faggot' in such an attacking manner. I'm sure racism is a problem everywhere, and I'm sorry you feel threatened, but that's no reason to attack others. Wishing you all the best, and it seems if you don't want to be in that crew, you've managed to get yourself out of it anyway - Alex wasn't the only one who was affronted by your attacks - not the best way to have a dialogue about a subject that concerns you so much. So many people were willing to talk to you about it, just not to be attacked, that's all. I'm sure you are a nice guy, but by calling people idiots and faggots and so on, you don't give that impression. And this was in more than 1 or 2 posts. Plus, you didn't get booted out for speaking your mind about multiculturalism at all.. it was for blatantly saying you don't adhere to their values.

@valorforfreedom, many of us were offended and appalled by your views on women (and multiculturalism- but speaking for myself your views on women have appalled me for a while) for way more than 1 or 2 posts (lol) and let it be known that we had seen what you were saying for a long time, but didn't bring it up- why? because free speech is a thing to uphold. your desire for women who are subservient or who prefer long hair (or who wear it because you prefer it) is your prerogative. that's the power of the blockchain, eh? but beyond your thoughts and desires (which offend feminist free thinkers - which, i know in your book means women controlled by the elite), we also have the right to disagree with your thoughts (gasp- free thought by women?! dang it!) and in the end, as @riverflows says, you said you don't even align with TSU anyway, so why are you so sore about being kicked out? seems kind of childish your response, eh?

ok mate.. lets SEE now IF your prejudgements still hold true! Maybe they do, i don't really care! I just want the world to know that we dont all feel like you do about this. There are probably at least a few points you will agree with in my post.. but let see for the rest.. peace .. yeah one love .. thats my way!

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