
Furthermore, I have created a new project called "WhiteMaleSurvival" and my aim is to fight racism against white people, that aligns with my purpose plus I am working on a short movie (around 30 minutes long) called "The Awakening of the Germanic Spirit".

Omfg... Lol! You should just change the name of your film to “White Power”, give the nationalists a phrase they’re already experienced with. Really unfortunate project man

What a shame that the self hatred of whites has reached this level where fighting racism against whites is seen as lols worthy.

I bet (((they))) are happy.

I’m not a self-hating white person. This sentiment in @valorforfreedom’s work reeks of priviledge and bigotry. I read a few more of this guys posts and they are unanimously short-sighted, nationalist, and incendiary. At one point in his post about feminism, @valorforfreedom quotes Hitler. Need I say more? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some hyper-partisan SJW hack, and I think a lot of that stuff gets taken way too far. But it’s just sad to see someone sooo afraid of feminism and multiculturalism. In Germany, no less. I swore there was a MAGA hat behind these posts.

There's nothing wrong with nationalism. Quite the contrary.

I agree. However, there’s people that love their country, and then there’s people that detest others’. The latter is unhealthy nationalism.

I understand your reaction k0wski1 because that is what you have learned, however, here is my answer.

To love your country you have to detest others.

If you cannot hate what destroys what you love, then you do not love.

Hate itself is not wrong k0wski, in fact, right and wrong are human imaginations (and every nation has a different idea of right and wrong).

Afraid of Feminism and Multiculturalism? If you live in Europe you see the destructive effects of it every day. Families ruined, white people ain't getting children anymore, we have become suicidal and we do not get rid of things and people that are certainly damaging to our nations, for example Angela Merkel.

And there is nothing wrong about quoting Hitler, you need to question things that everyone seems to BELIEVE is the "truth" and not blindly accept it as such.

Just because I quote him does not mean that I consider everything he did as good.

But there are things he did which I consider good, for example getting Germany out of the financial depression in just a couple years and creating jobs.

Draw your own conclusions after deep and purposeful research (on both sides of the coin), don't be a parrot.

Best Regards,

nationalism would be cool if it didn't require genocide or imperialistic displacement of others to work.

I'm cringing hard right now, schatten.

Caring about skin color is stupid and throughout all of human history has been seen as stupid and supremacy is slowly eroding away and will continue to do so until white people go extinct in a few more generations. There's no reason to judge people based on skin color.

It's not self-hatred, it's understanding that there's nothing inherently better about skin tone, but in society people just see whites as better or purer, so to the racists it looks like hatred because it's less than what they feel they should be. I don't hate my white skin, I just don't see the difference between my skin and anyone else's.

Race is about more than skin color. Skin color has nothing to do with anything.

If that were true then "western culture" and "western values" wouldn't be so prominent among white supremacists.

We will never even come close to agreeing. It's just never gonna happen. I don't mind you having your values, which are the polar opposites of mine.

But any kind of debate is pointless and a waste of time.

Well, I will bark at you regardless, good sir.

Reminder that the irish were once persecuted heavily in "the west" for being poor criminals with bad genetics. However, once mexicans, africans, and indians started coming into the mix, it was easier to bring all white-skinned individuals under the same umbrella and attack those with darker shades. Skin is 100%, factually, a huge factor behind the nationalist movements. You can "disagree" if you're ignorant of the history of race-based politics, but you can't just str8-up deny reality.

Skin isn't the only factor, but it is among the biggest for discerning the fundamentals of supremacy. People have begun using the terms "western culture" to denote anything where white people are majority, it's a racist dog-whistle, plain and simple. "Racism against whites" certainly exists, but its an extreme minority. The most common form of "reverse-racism" you'll see is just knocking whites off the pedestal they think they deserve, which isn't racist objectively, just pushing equality.

There's no problem with being proud of your heritage and upbringing, but when your pride gets in the way of other people trying to live their lives, it is then an issue.

You're a libertarian, correct? Nationalism and libertarianism are also fundamental opposites. Libertarian values (of which I am 100% in favor of) suggest that everyone has the freedom and free will to do what they want when they want as long as it doesn't negatively affect others. Nationalism in Current Year(tm) is suppressing others in favor of promoting yourself and your """values""".

The most important core philosophies behind the libertarian ideology is freedom and liberty for all.

I’m not a libertarian anymore. It’s the open borders question that finally made me move away from libertarianism.

I made the jump to fascism.

a feel u man this place. on "normal social" media u just get the ugly comment here u get the ass likes. just after some $$$. am not rely comment anymore on posts if a don t agree. feel better then feel like am not a fake anymore. good luck on Ur project

no i am not stop posting daily😎

And why should he stop posting daily???

lmfao what is this stupid ass racist shit

Are you just Low IQ and afraid of different cultures? Go make an enthnostate in world of warcraft and leave everyone else alone.

#WhiteGenocide #CantWait #WontStop

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