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RE: The End Of "Meat Inc" is Coming... Slowly But Surely

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Earth Custodians will first reiterate that they do not endorse any mainstream climate change theory , even if temps are rising, they are other factors such as solar activity, aerosol spraying (chemtrails), and HAARP, which cannot be discarded.

This is the point where this blog has lost all credibility.



did you read that on your site that is endorsing fiat money and bashing max igan?

you are uneducated, you have lost all your credibility months ago.

Yesterday you even exposed yourself as a "war industry shill", stating that we were a more peaceful society regardless of the 20,000 nuclear warheads pointed at us 24/7

I said the author of the book thought that the reason for our extreme peacefulness as of late could be attributed to mutually assured nuclear destruction. Nobody wants to go down that its a good deterrent.

Its called The Better Angels of Our Nature by Pinker. It is good to read some stuff by actual scientists once in a while, you know, just to break up the constant conspiritard bullshit.

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