Are you afraid of needles?

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

I admit it, I am afraid of needles! 


I am trying to overcome a lot of my fears in life, but something that I am still ridiculously afraid of is needles. The last time I was faced with one, I passed out! 


I think it is fairly common to be nervous about needles, but I wish I were tougher about it. I have friends who don't even blink over them, while I see one and freak out!


Needles make me so nervous that just talking about having to deal with a needle makes me tear up. I am a wuss! 

Are you afraid of needles? 



I personally really like needles. The way they gracefully ravage through the skin. My favorite part is when you get an useless intern who abuses your arm multiple times without finding the vein.

Oh, yeah, that's the greatest. Lol!

Few years ago I had to get an infusion, my body temperature was so high, I couldn't even think of my fear of needles, I just wanted to get better. Before that I was convinced I had a fear of needles but after this experience I realized that I just find them disgusting. I had my blood taken last month and it went very well, I told myself "You are a grown person, act like one! :D Don't let that small, ugly thing terrify you."
I still don't like to look when the needle goes under my skin though, I still find that disgusting but I definitely got over my fear. :)

Good for you! 😁

Can't say i've had a fear of needles. I've even donated blood a couple of times in college, lol. Everyone is different, and that is okay!

You're just tough like that. 😁

yes I am! ahhh. I always look away.

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Of course! 😁

I've passed out several times while getting shots or blood drawn. Now I warn the nurses when I walk in. I feel your pain 😉

So glad I am not alone!

Yes, yikes!

I remember the trauma of having to get shots as a kid. Hated needles ever since..

Exactly! Me too!

The woman takes habit to do it, because in pregnancy oblige every 2 mounth to control your blood, so I got afraid for the first after i stop afraid about it.

The fear is probably more for the crap (vaccines) they have in them more than the needle itself!

Would you like a spatula? For your bunghole?

rather a spatula than a needle, thanks!

Lake Titicaca.....Nicaragua! Aqua! For my bunghole....

That's quite an assumption considering the topic is needles. Looks like you're 'injecting' your concerns into someone else's issues. (Pun intended.)

..yes you're probably right, but I do feel strongly about the issue - good pun btw ;)

There is a lot of crap in them! That's scary too!

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