Captain America Swaps Genders with this Cosplayer Portrayal

in #blog7 years ago

I personally think cosplayers are a cool bunch. They do things that most of us don’t have the guts to do – they put their heart and soul into their costumes and they put themselves on display doing so. They open themselves up to criticism and praise alike. Sometimes they do something “off the wall” such as gender swaps as is the case with Carly and her portrayal of Captain America.

Carly as Captain America

The team over at did an interview with Carly and they delve into her work, why, and how among other things.

The interview was done well and gives quite a bit of insight into a cosplayer doing a cool character. She gives readers a bit of insight concerning the costume creation process (really cool) and her motivations.

Fans of Captain America or cosplaying should check it out. Let them know you heard about it here on Steemit while you are there.


Very cool. I love that cosplay doesn't really restrict people. As long as they love a character, they can cosplay as that character. I'm not much into it myself, but I always loved this part of the culture.

(There's fringe groups that take offense at people cosplaying as a character of another gender or race, but those are just that, fringe groups)

I can't stand people that want to restrict the creativity of others. Don't like it? Don't ask to take a picture with them and move on to the cosplayers doing what you like. Sadly, that is easier said than done for people in that fringe group you mentioned.

It's as simple as ignoring the people who offend you. Let them live their lives, and they'll let you live yours.

Very true. Though hecklers can make something that was fun become something that is more of a chore, or not fun anymore.

Captain America Planet is now a girl. Awesome. Magical. Time to hide in a tree. I love this. My brother went as Captain America about 1991 for Halloween. Cool. Awesome. I love women.

That is a spectacular cosplay. They put a lot of work into it.

That is part of the reason I wanted to share her interview with everyone here. She is one of the cosplayers that obviously puts a ton of effort and love into her costume.

I think I might like this more than the original Cap.

Certainly easier on the eyes.

It's very steady clothes

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