If slavery is all it takes to make a nation prosperous...

in #blog7 years ago


If slavery is all it takes to make a nation prosperous, why isn't Africa leading the world economically?

For those that don't know, Africa was full of black slaves and black slave owners.

Slavery was a huge part of their economy.

Africa is where the slaves that were shipped to America came from.

Since so many people are fond of saying America was built on the back of slaves, why aren't other nations that used slaves also doing well?

Hint: America wasn't built on the backs of slaves.

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thoughtful topic, upvoted

Or...the rest of the Americas, since more were shipped to South and Central America than North America.

Only 9% of slaves ended up in America. The rest went to Brazil, Mexico and the currybean. They should with this logic be waaaay more successful and rich than USA. :D

Because it isn't. And every rational logic thinking human being knows that that narrative we've been told " america built on the backs of slaves" is just utter nonsense.

Chattel slavery had the exact opposite effect that leftists allege. It retarded technological innovation and growth. Having a bunch of free labor around creates a disincentive to invent labor saving technology. Locking land out of use with huge plantations inhibits investment in new industries. This is why the Union had a much larger industrial base when the civil war came around. Slavery was the confederacy's very undoing.

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