Year end tradition: I have two lists

in #blog7 years ago



Since the year 2012, I've been writing my faith goals (these are the things I'm believing God for). But everytime I write my list, I also write down the things I am thankful for. Those were the two things I never miss, each year I always get surprised whenever I list down the things I have received. It's like your answering an examination paper, an enumeration type, except that the list keeps on going and going. Writing down those lists are so close to my heart. Simply, because I get to know my heart's desire and God's desire for me.

A child asking her father

Have you ever heard the words "child-like faith"? When I first heard it, the word was unfamiliar but its meaning was never new to me. Growing up as the youngest in our family, I had a great bond with my father. Every time I want something, a new toy, an ice cream or just something that comes out of the blue, I will just say my request thinking he owns the entire store and in a snap he can give it to me. But, don't get me wrong. We were never rich. It's just that knowing my dad and his love for me, he's heart would be to give me the things I ask him.

Who has my best interest

As I write my faith goals, that's always been the attitude of my heart (child-like faith). Listing down the things I am believing God for, I set it to myself that God --my Father --is never limited. As His daughter, I present to Him my wants, the things I desire. And knowing the kind of Love that He gave me on the first Christmas eve, I know in my heart that He has my best interest. I am confident that I am secured, if He gives it to me I will be thankful. And, if He doesn't I will still be thankful.

And today, it's less than a week before the year ends.

It has been beautiful since day one, even though it brought me to all kinds of highs and lows. It's wrapping still got it's hold in my heart that it would end likely how it started.

I hope you write yours, maybe tonight or before this year ends. Believe me, it would surprise you. And I do hope that 2018 would not just be like what you have written down on the column of the things that you're going to believe for, but much more. Much more.

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