in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Select a door and see if your personality traits are reflected in your choice

Have you heard of the personality test with the 10 doors? You can find your personality type by selecting one of ten possible doors. Take the test and choose a door to learn more about your personality in the following article.

Why doors?

The symbolism behind this test is really amazing. Perhaps you have not realized it yet, but for each step of life, we have to go through a door. Have you ever thought about how many doors you have walked in have knocked on and opened to create a way for your future?

Doors are everywhere; They give us a sense of security when we are home and they are there to welcome us elsewhere. They appear in different sizes, shapes, materials, models and designs. But their purpose is always the same: allowing us to come in (or the opposite).

You have probably heard the phrase, "all doors are closed to him" when someone is doing badly in life, or "he opened the door to love," to say that one has finally fallen in love.

What is better than a door to reveal your personality type? Look at the ten doors in the picture and choose one. Do not base it not only on color or your favorite figure, just select the first one that catches the eye. Analyze the specific characteristics of each door, then check the personality it belongs to.

10 doors, 10 personalities

Door one

It's a turquoise double door with large windows so you can look inside and out. If you chose this door, you're a fun person who likes things out in the open. You prefer a light and airy approach to life's problems and you're not one that gets stuck in your feelings. You appreciate the little pleasures of life, luxury and enjoy traveling and learning about new cultures. You always want the best for others and will do anything to create a cozy atmosphere for your guests.

Door two

A simple black door with wide appearance, handle to the side and no loose fit. If you choose this door, it's because you are a simple and straightforward person who is not for luxury; you always deliver what you need and are proud of your results but have trouble moving on. Remember, it does not hurt to be a bit colorful once in a while and learn from life's adventures and not-so-positive experiences.

Door three

Sharp orange with a stylized door hammer and beat. If you choose this door, you are an interesting and unique person who likes to draw attention to yourself everywhere. You make an unforgettable impression on everyone you meet and you are good at a lot of things. You like art and can create something out of almost nothing. This personality type tends to live in the clouds, and, and is unable to recognize when they live in an inner bubble.

Door four

Dark green with an antique design, it has several locks on the side. People with this personality type flair for art, be it music, writing, painting or sculpture. You can be open and friendly one moment and be closed and private the next. You tend to keep your problems and thoughts to yourself. You feel the need to make others see you like a rock.

Door five

The violet dies with a semicircle window at the top. Did you choose this door? If yes, worry about matching and belonging to a group. You bring a lot of things to the table and do things that allow you to be creative, but sometimes you are too busy discovering what's happening around you. It is good to relax from time to time and take a break from the routine. A day without a full agenda does not mean it's wasted.

Door six

Deep red with golden details, a lacquer, door hammer and lettering. If you liked this door, you are very confident. You have a great eye for details. You are interested in your appearance and how others see you, but inside you feel like a disaster. Be careful because you can be on the self-destructive side. Remember to live for yourself and not for others, regardless of what they think or how they look at you.

Door seven

Simple, white, made of wood, not too much detail, besides the material and a little messy at the bottom. People who choose this door are simple and minimalist. They always have important things to do. They are dedicated to others. They are very emotional and surround themselves with sentimental things. Family and friends are crucial. They are complacent and safe in their lives. Use the opportunity to change the formalities of your life a little.

Door eight

A modern blue door with a discreetly colored door hammer and handle. If you choose this door, it's because you are a fun and playful person with an ever young heart. You lack self-esteem and suffer a lot of anxiety in certain areas of your life. You are somewhat disorganized, proud and need to love yourself more. Find yourself through expressing yourself.

Door Nine

The light green door: This is a strict door and slightly weathered. Its most noticeable feature is its material, which is a bit too big to its size. The personality hidden behind this door is the kind that is always looking for how things work and have an enormous ability to solve problems. They are very practical people. They stick to the basics and live easily without complications. They are easy to please and enjoy helping and doing things for others. These people need to give more space in their lives to their sense of wonder.

Door ten

A large door made of wood with a natural finish. It has four small windows at the top, only with the material to break the symmetry of the page. If you chose this door, appreciate integrity and stability, and enjoy the quality in the smallest details. You always know what you want, and yet you like playing safely. You might keep your creativity in a job that you do not enjoy. Remember, your problems are yours and nobody else will take care of them.

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#9...keeping things simple and solving problems has been my way for decades...

6 red door and got a great eye for details.. 😎

That was fun i chose door number 5 and it was somewhat accurate lol

huh... this is actually quite interesting #2 and it nailed me pretty well.

#3 nailed me perfectly :-)

Postingan yang sangat bagus.
Sudah saya Resteem dan Upvote artikel anda demi kemajuan dan maju bersama.
Hidup Steemit
Very good post.
I have Resteem and Upvote your article for progress and forward together.

Thanks bro!

I choose number 7 and wow! It was really accurate 😆😆😆😆

Thank you! The Orange fits on my as well :)

Orange is really artistic! Good luck with that 😁😁😁

I could not really decide which door to choose so I was reading all three that I liked. And the combination of them seems to suit me ^^

Oh that's good :-)

I belong to the category of door one and I am also a person that takes everything so simple.

Not bad :-)

door 2( black)...i am not looking for luxury in live,i only want necessary things and to be happy.

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