
Its either Stubbeskjellsopp or Flatklokkehatt...

Stubbeskjellsopp is edible, but Flatklokkehatt is poisenous as you might now. I dont feel good enough at seperating those two kind of mushrooms, so I did not pick any.

Do you have a good way to seperate the two types @tobixen?

I should ask my mother about that - I do remember we used to pick Stubbeskjellsopp and Honningsopp, but I don't remember exactly how we identified the Stubbeskjellsopp. Perhaps my wife knows. Long time since I've been out picking mushrooms, should consider getting out one of those days ...

(That's the curse with having a boat, much less time for any other activities or projects ... though, we have been picking mushrooms on some of the islands we've been visiting)

What kinda mushrooms have you been finding out on islands?

Me and @umulius is soon going out looking for mushrooms around here. It should be optimal mushroom conditions today, with the sun showing itself after several days of crazy rain.

Let me know if you find out more about seperating the two types, I will also read a bit about it online myself :)

Once my son found a Morchella elata (spissmorkel) at Saraholmen (small island between Borøya and Kalvøya, Bærum), that wasn't in the autumn but in the spring. My wife and a friend was finding quite some chantarelles at the peninsula at Sandspollen. I don't think we did any mushroom hunting at Håøya, but I guess there is quite a lot there as well. On the very north tip of Jeløya, towards Bevøysund there are lots of wild strawberries.

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