Flip, or Flop - Stepping out of My Comfort Zone to Find Gold

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Yesterday I was out doing some shopping, so I thought I'd drop by the local goodwill and see if I could find items to flip. I spent about 30 minutes looking over some items, but I was unable to find any toys that would net any profit. I moved to the electronics, and again came up short, so I decided to look through clothes.

Now I am no expert on clothes, I basically wear whatever fits (being 6'5" I can't be picky). I did find a couple of shirts tho, and I checked them out before buying them.


I wasn't able to find a match to this shirt, but it looks new, so I popped on it. I know I'm taking a chance, but I hope it pays off. I'll list it for $20 and see what happens, and if nothing else this will be a learning experience for me. It's a Calvin Klein shirt, so it should make me some money.


Now when I first saw this shirt, I wasn't excited. Sure it was a Reebok polo, but they were only going for $9, so not enough meat left for my liking. But wait, what's that embroidery?


Upon taking a closer look I saw this awesome Basketball Hall of Fame logo. Now that is cool, and I'm sure others will think so too. So I'll throw a $30 price on it and see how it goes.

I wasn't comfortable stepping away from my comfort zone, but I'll need to expand my knowledge to other things if I want to be successful on this adventure. I'm sure in time I'll be able to locate clothing easier, with anything it'll take practice. So let me know how you think I did, I think I did ok. I won't get rich, but I should make a few bucks.

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