12 Years of Schooling and All I Got Was This Murderous, War-like Attitude

in #blog6 years ago

Remember in high school how the students were told by their 'School Spirit' to violently attack other neighboring schools?

Whatever that School Spirit really is, it leads many young students to initiate violence against nearby neighborhoods when those school's football teams compete. The children become possessed with the School Spirit through the games, and with the student body so possessed, school districts become like warring nations of people who, instead of fighting for land or treasure, fight each other over balls.

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Go Team!

This early conditioning of the minds of children is just one of the ways that those children will later accept the idea of enemy nations upon the Earth, as a way to normalize war.

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A Lifetime of Cultural Conditioning

For those just joining us here on this nutty planet, we Earthlings traditionally send our own children to school in order to be trained to accept the idea of war. Such training is not just through the school's academic curriculum, but our children are also subjected to indoctrination into perpetual conflict through their school's violent sports competitions.

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Imaginary Lines in the Sand

The students are taught that a simple geographic location, or a specific region upon the surface of the planet, is the only justification needed for a bloody rivalry.

Children don't naturally want to fight each other, so these contrived rivalries must be programmed into the child, encouraged by the adults in society, and the child is so conditioned for conflict at home and in school throughout their lives that they can hardly imagine peace.

The child is taught at school that other schools are the enemy, so that later in life, they will find it easy to blindly hate other countries and cultures.

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The Language of Aggression

The idea of committing violence against other neighborhoods is ingrained in the imaginations of children through the terminology that is associated with school sports matches. "FIGHT!" they are told, and if they fight hard, they might win, and become heroes.

The school children are convinced that they will need to 'beat' another school's team to make the teachers happy, and through the sporting events, the children learn that the most aggressive students rise to the top in society.

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The football programs are held in high regard by the school systems, and the most popular girls are recruited as cheerleaders and pep squads, who's purpose is to encourage their sports teams to violently take down the opposing team.

The lesson for the young men in high school is thereby clearly laid out: Fight, beat, tackle and stomp the kids from another neighborhood, and the pretty girls will like you.

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My Own High School War Story

Back when I was in high school, we were handed the conditioning program on the first day, with no fooling around. We were to call ourselves Warriors.

As new students, we were told that Warriors were proud and brave, and that we were fortunate to be attending that particular school.

Many of my fellow students nodded in excitement-- they felt lucky that their parents happened to have bought a house in a neighborhood that made them Warriors, and the School Spirit easily nested into their young hearts.

As Warriors, our main enemies were the Tigers and the Patriots. These were schools that happened to be geographically close to our beloved school, and as our first year of Warrior high school began, the stories of Tigers and Patriots coming into OUR neighborhood to vandalize our cars and our homes began to spread. If we had any pride at all, we would listen to our school spirit, and we would retaliate somehow. We were expected to defend our turf.

Patriots Attack Warrior's McDonald's with Eggs

It was the student parking lot where we freak Warriors congregated. This parking lot was where we did much of our underage drinking and illegal smoking, and where our car stereos blared the hits of the day well into the night. It was in that student parking lot one night that we got the news of an egg attack on some other Warriors and their cars up at the McDonald's on the highway.

This wasn't just any McDonald's restaurant. The McDonald's up on the highway was where the Warrior's cheerleaders hung out. It was football season, and everyone knew who must have thrown the eggs-- it was those awful Patriots.

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The Warrior's Militia

I jumped in a car with somebody, and the two of us flew towards the battle zone. We weren't the most popular Warriors, and nobody expected us freaks to defend the honor of the school or it's cheerleaders, we went to the scene because we just wanted to see something exciting.

I had never even been to any of my school's football games, and couldn't have cared less about who won the matches. As we approached the McDonald's, I just supposed that if anyone was going to be egging cars in my neighborhood, it should be me and my hoodlum friends, not some sports fans from across town.

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We pulled into the McDonald's with a roar, and there did seem to be something going on, as there was a certain amount of confusion in the air.

The Patriots had been there, we heard, throwing eggs from the car wash across the street, but when they drove off, they had left behind a couple of their buddies.

We heard, "He went thattaway!" and we, without thinking, ran down into the surrounding neighborhoods. Our neighborhoods.

It was around the lower back side of an apartment building that we found the abandoned Patriot. I was surprised that we found him, and without even trying, we had him cornered in a porched entry. It was a little dark, and so long ago, I don't know what the Patriot looked like, except that he looked scared.

The Patriot was also holding a baseball bat.

A baseball bat. We stopped. I don't really remember what happened next, because not much happened. None of us knew what to do. None of us were really designed for this.

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I Understand Some Bat

According to the baseball bat, I didn't care what this guy had done, or what neighborhood he came from. I didn't care where he went to school, or if he supported their football team. The next thing I knew, we were back in the car, headed back to the safety of our student parking lot, back to our underage drinking and illegal smoking.

The individual schools might have their unique traits and languages, but a baseball bat is universally understood, and the fear that glowed from that cornered individual was quite contagious. We 'let him go' is what we told everyone back at the hangout, but what really happened was that the cultural programming had failed on us to some extent. We weren't willing to fight for our beloved school, and we didn't even mind admitting it.

We didn't buy into the war cries and the excitement of the games. For me and my freak friends, a school pep rally was just an excuse to get out of class, to sneak back down to the student's parking area for a quick puff. We didn't care about the indoctrination program one little bit, and were proud of that fact.

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Sending Innocent Children to School to Become Warriors

There's nothing wrong with football. I never learned to play the game, but have nothing against it. Some of my best friends played football, and I never held it against them. Football and sports isn't the problem, it's that we were all victims of school, and while a few of us were able to avoid the indoctrination into the culture of war, the rest of the student body was possessed by School Spirit, and to this day they support the perpetual state of war, and every aggression that is waged in our names.

If we want our children to remain innocent, it's ok to let them play games and to throw balls around, but the best way to protect the children from the cultural conditioning that programs violence into the young mind is to keep them away from school. The School System is the problem.

The schools teach violent rivalry, military worship and blind obedience to authority, which are things that we might teach warriors, but in the real world, in a moment away from the constant cultural conditioning, we humans really don't want to fight with each other.

all images above thanks to Wikimedia Commons


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In Canada, a lot of us played hockey. We were taught to play hard on the ice but as soon as we step off, we were to act like gentlemen. If we were caught being a general pain in the butt off the ice, or got in trouble, we weren't allowed to play. So there's that. In hockey, if the ref catches you being an arrogant and cocky douchbag, you get to sit down for two minutes while your teammates hate you for making it easier for the other team to score.

The ball players down here probably have similar penalties, or at least the threat of penalty, but in a lot of ways the athletes in high school were held up as deities by their communities when I was in school. Living here in the middle of it, I tend to look at the USA as a sort of machine that is mainly designed to produce soldiers and their gear, while Canada seems like an entirely different kind of machine to me.

We just want to stay warm here. I can see though, as an outsider looking in, the differences in our propaganda and mental conditioning. We do have some of the military elements forced on us from an early age. We were there in both world wars, Korea, Afghanistan. We kicked your asses in 1812 but for some strange reason most south of this border don't learn about that one... LOL!

I'm definitely an outsider lookin in too! True, I've never heard much about any 1812 stuff, but it's probably best forgotten anyway. It was surely based on an imaginary line in the forest that really benefits only a few anyway, and the skirmish itself must have served to balance a load of karma in some other ways as well.

I don't understand how you do things over there XD

Then again we haven't done the school sports thing (or school for that matter). We do club sports; when the boys were playing footy the teams shook hands after the game (and I think even said "good game" or something similar after) and any kids or parents who misbehaved during the games (being bad sports, abusing officials etc) could be suspended/banned from attending games. At our gymnastics club well of course we're allowed to still be friends with and talk to people in other clubs honestly XD (genuine question that was asked my a kid who had transferred clubs and saw some old friends from previous clubs at a comp).

Some people do get carried away with the professional sports teams though. It's hilarious only because as far as I know it doesn't get past friendly ribbing over here.

It would be a matter of reverse-engineering a machine that produces soldiers and war; the parts and pieces of that machine would be what I grew up in here, where war is programmed into the culture itself. We're taught to support our school's ball games like we would support our warriors in a battle. Cultural conditioning, I think it is, but that's just what I can surmise from my perspective, living here in the middle of this machine. Around here, the rivalries reach into larger regions after high-school, where distant colleges compete. With repetitious chants and marching tunes to elevate the mood, people get upset and become involved, but they also are being conditioned to create a mindset of unnecessary opposition and conflict. Because I live in a culture that seems to accept the idea of constant wars and standing armies as being normal and sane, I'm always trying to figure out how things stay like they are here, year after year.

Between that, video games and a the mainstream media we have a terrible combination. Dehumanizing other human beings only leads to tragic outcomes.

Lol video games? Ever opened up a book in Morrowind? Ever had a clan match in Ghost Recon? Ever sat scared shitless in Operation Flashpoint watching the tanks from the woods and the patrols? Ever had to figure out some complex puzzle in Tomb Raider Last Revelation? Ever realized how precise you must drive to have tires by the end of the game in Grand Turismo 4 or tackled the challange of Need For Speed Porsche Unleashed? How about Grand Theft Auto 5 taking on Hydra Jets with a Helicopter? Ever take on 50 online players in Joint Ops (140 player servers) with only your medic team mate without any vehicles and did so successfully or instilled other players to share vehicles instead of being selfish by sitting by spawn abd taking the vehicles and giving them away?

Posted using Partiko Android

It was tragic, but finally, humanity is starting to catch on.

Thanks for sharing Paul! Great story and so true. Notice all these violent upbringings are from the fact that these our indeed government schools. Government schools that indoctrinate your kids young teaching them to one day be dead soldiers for a corporate fascist government that never gave a shit about them in the first place. Which is why my wife and I will be homeschooling our son. I refuse to allow some corrupt government perverted pedophile bureaucrats indoctrinate my child. Not to mention all these school shootings too. I'm not going to send my son to school only to get killed in another one of these false flag political stunts to further the lawless agenda of this corporate fascist government. FUCK THAT!
And speaking of son, my wife and I finally made our announcement here on Steemit. Meet our son Maverick :-). https://steemit.com/life/@bridgetmartin/welcome-maverick-thomas-martin

I'm not sure if we will be able to get out on the 19th to come and see you play but we will try. We might still be tied up with our son at the moment.

I'm glad to hear that you'll be protecting your children like that, I'll go see that post. No rush about seeing the band, we also have an outdoor kid-friendly Halloween early event on the 26th in Springdale, some kind of train-related event... that gig was freezing cold last year, but maybe we'll get lucky this time.

idk, we are suppose to have our first freeze sometime next week so we will see. Let me know more information on that Halloween gig you got in Springdale on the 26th. We might be able to make that. Make it a family thing.

I'll find out what that thing is called, I remember we were finished by dark last time, lots of kids.

Man. I hear you on this one.

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