On Healthcare

in #blog6 years ago

Americans have rightly complained that the health care and the affordability of health care must be addressed.

The false Communist promise of Socialism:

The promise of the communist left is that if we give them political power, they will provide free health care to all.

This is nothing more than communist lies.

The cost of all health care in America is equal to or greater than the entire federal government budget for the year.

Think about the choice that these communists are offering:

We can have free health care for all, or

We can have all of our other government expenditures.

This is a binary choice, meaning that if we take the bait and greedily chose free health care, we are left with no ability to pay for any other government services.

No other government service means:

No Military

No Infrastructure projects

No repair of highways or bridges

No Funds for disaster relief

No Social Security

No food Stamps

No police

No funds for cities or state governments

No firemen

The communists would love this!

The failure of Obamacare:

We know that Obamacare did not work:

We could not keep our doctors.

We could not keep our insurance policies.

Insurance premium cost are going through the roof.

And deductibles and maximum benefit clauses are making the cost of paying for health care impossible, if you can get health insurance at all.

Where does the federal government have the ability to help us?

First, the government can stop giving free health care to illegal immigrants.

Americans first should be the law.

Democrats will howl, but we should not be wasting American Taxpayer dollars to be providing

services of any kind to illegal immigrants until all Americans are taken care of.

If Democrats are so insistent in taking care of illegal aliens, they can take those illegals into their own homes and take care of them themselves.

It is not generosity to spend someone else’s money for causes favored by the Democrat Party. If these pompous jackasses (they chose the jackass as the symbol of the Democratic Party) want to demonstrate their generosity, they can fund goodies for the illegals out of their own personal egregiously fat bank accounts.

Obamacare has caused many doctors to leave the profession and caused several health care facilities to close their doors forever.

This has caused many Americans to be left without health care, or having to travel long distances to find health care providers, and to have to wait or long times to receive medical attention.

This is of course consistent with the experiences of other countries providing government health care.

There are other sources of funds, which can be diverted to health care.

Sources of funds for American Health Care:

  1. All money spent to provide services to illegal aliens can and should be used to provide health care to Americans.
  1. Money spent on unnecessary government agencies should be spent on health care for Americans.

For example, if we follow the recommendations of the Patriot and shut down the existing IRS, America would save 168 Million Dollars each year, which could be used to provide health care to Americans.

  1. Tariffs collected from other nations could be used for American health care.
  1. Monies spent on sanctuary cities or states can be used to fund health care for Americans.
  1. Democrats, their Hollywood sycophants, and their loyal news media are constantly whining about gun control.

If we were to remove all of the funds, which our government spends providing armed police protection for Democrat Party government officials, and the Hollywood crowd, and the kneeling disrespectful athletes, America could use the savings for healthcare, while getting these supposedly “dangerous guns away from the public (after all if we cannot protect ourselves and our families, why should we be spending taxpayer money to protect them).

  1. Each year Democrats insist the taxpayer money be given to Planned Parenthood, which funnels a healthy percentage of that money back to the Democrats as “campaign contributions.”

Planned Parenthood provides virtually no real health care, so that money should be repositioned into real health care.

  1. Funds spent to provide protection to courts, which render decisions for political reasons rather than enforcing laws should be repositioned to health are.
  1. America should employ the British system for litigation damages, namely the loser pays the winner’s legal fees. This would certainly reduce the number of specious lawsuits started, and by way of application to health care this principle could be applied as follows:

Money spent by the federal government to win cases against the ACLU should be paid by the ACLU with those fees being use for health care.

It used to be that those initials, ACLU, stood for American Civil Liberties Union.

Sadly this organization has become nothing more than just another cabal of partisan political hacks.

Former ACLU director, Mike Meyers, has decried this development.

Harvard law professor Allan Dershowitz, once a strong supporter of the ACLU as well as liberal causes, has expressed his revulsion at what this organization has become.

Currently the initials now stand for:

“Anarchists, Communists, and Lefties United.”

  1. Libel laws should be changed so that libelous statements made by the media against public figures should be compensable.

All of that compensation should flow to health care.

  1. Theft of money by government officials

Obama gave cash to Mullahs of Iran.

1.8 Billion Dollars was sent to the Ayatollahs so that Obama and John Kerry could obtain what they believed would be regarded as their signature achievement.

We know from the difficulties that president Trump is encountering in getting money to build a border wall, that a president cannot use American taxpayer cash without the approval of Congress.

Where and when did Obama, Kerry and/or Clinton get approval to give 1.8 Billion Dollars of American cash to Iran on a secret flight?

This cash should be recovered from the perpetrators from all of their assets even though that recovery will take ages.

Any and all recovery of that American taxpayer money should be dedicated to American health care.

  1. We have observed during recent years, that members of the Trump administration have been fired and required to pay restitution for abusive use of government resources for travel, including for the misuse of military helicopters or the misuse of military planes. For example:

Scott Pruit, Secretary of the Enviornmental Protection Agency

David Shulkin, Secretary of the Veteran’s Administration

Ryan Zinker, Secretary of the Interior

Steven Menuchin, Secretary of the Treasury (In the case of Munuchin, he used military aircraft for a European vacation)

During her tenure as speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi misused military aircraft for her own personal pleasure.

She demanded that military aircraft fly her and her donors between San Francisco and Washington DC.

On one occasion, Pelosi demanded that a military aircraft be repositioned to make her travel to the aircraft more convenient for Pelosi and her donors.

One Trump admission member was fired for using a military helicopter to travel to his home from DC.

It is now time for Pelosi to reimburse the federal government for the misuse of military aircraft.

That reimbursement should be applied to health care for Americans.

Serious consideration should be given to the issue as to whether Pelosi should be impeached for her abuse of taxpayer dollars.

  1. The Clinton Contribution:

All monies obtained by any of the Clinton ‘s personally and any money obtained by any one or more of the Clinton foundations for access to the office of the Secretary of State or other government agencies, or for the US government gift to Putin of 20% of the uranium reserves of the United States. This of course was the Uranium One deal covered up by the Janes Comey cabal at the FBI.

All of this Clinton cash should be legally confiscated for their illegal acts and all of these legal penalties should be used to provide real health care for Americans.

This is the real treasure trove

With all of those proceeds directed toward American health care, America could and should do the following:

  1. A system of reginal hospitals and other medical facilities should be constructed and staffed.

These facilities should provide medical and dental care at reasonable prices.

  1. These facilities should be affiliated with existing hospitals so that specialized treatment can be provided.
  1. These facilities could be staffed by doctors who are reasonably compensated for their work.
  1. Medical schools could be created where doctors’ could be trained and graduate without humongous debt. (e.g. Langone medical school at NYU Medical Center).

  2. Although regulations should be kept to a minimum, the following laws should be enacted:

Insurance companies, which wish to be permitted to issue health insurance Health insurance should be required to:

Cover pre-existing conditions

Be available across state lines.

Be provided by collectives.

Acceptable at all government operated facilities.

Provide reasonable deductibles and no maximum caps.


Drugs from other countries should be available in all states.

Experimental drugs should be available on a last resort basis upon the execution by thee patient of a limited waiver of liability of the drug manufacturers and suppliers.


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