Abolishing the Tax System and Starting Anew

in #blog6 years ago

The entire tax system in America should be replaced by the following actions.

FIRST Eliminate cash as a medium of exchange.

SECOND Each citizen should be issued a biometric credit type card. (That credit card would have the card owner’s photo I D imprinted on the card and other embedded personal identification information such as voice identification, eye signature information and fingerprint protection).

THIRD All of the cardholder’s money would be kept in an account in a government bank.

FOURTH No transaction would result in any remuneration, unless the transaction were processed through the card, and the money thereby deposited in the New National Bank.

FIFTH If it should ever be determined that there is a need for tax revenue, a transaction tax of a small uniform tax in the nature of a sales tax would be imposed on all transactions.

In this way, every citizen will be paying a fair share of all tax and all persons would “have skin in the game.”

To mollify the nut cases who feel that the rich should pay more (The ”Soak the rich crowd”): We note that because the rich have more, they will spend more and therefore they will automatically pay more in taxes, than those who spend less.

This tax system does away with the unfathomable tax code and tax regulations of the federal government and all State governments.

This alone will eliminate all of the unfairness caused by special tax breaks for those who can afford expensive lobbyists.

With this system there would be no:

Federal income taxes

No Estate taxes (we note that under the Trump administration, this outrageous tax has already been eliminated); and
No state or local property taxes (and therefore no more phony assessments or other frauds) on the citizens of America.

States could receive revenues by getting revenue from the Feds and local municipalities should get their money from their State.

Tax returns and other paperwork would be eliminated.

The IRS would be eliminated (that alone would save $ 618 million dollars per year) In addition, Americans would no longer dread the preparation of tax returns and the dread of audits and the further release of private information through the hacking of incompetently encrypted government computers.

The national credit card can be used for identification for such things as:

Getting on planes or other public transportation.

Getting into buildings including government office buildings and public arenas (e.g. sporting events and theaters shopping centers), and


Since every person would have to have this Citizen Card in order to function, there will be no additional burden placed upon any persons to be able to vote.

However, we readily acknowledge that this universal voting ID would adversely affect a significant portion of the voting base of the Democratic Party, namely the “Cemetery Crowd.”

It has always been a source of amazement how many residents of the cemeteries in Chicago mysteriously rise from the dead to vote in elections in Chicago.

In fact, for those who do not believe in the resurrection of the dead, one need only look at the list of persons who voted for Democrats in elections conducted in Chicago.

One should also look to the names registered by operatives working for the Democratic Party during the lead up to Obama’s first term in the White House, namely: the names: Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Pluto, Cinderella and the names of all of the Dallas Cowboys registered in order in a State nowhere near Texas, to realize the widespread voter fraud perpetrated by Democrats.

Since all citizens would have to have National Credit Cards just to survive economically, no one could plausibly argue that some unfair additional burden was being imposed on voters.
Another benefit of these citizen cards is that there would be no reason for any alien to remain undocumented, because, if they did so they would be unable to be paid or to pay for anything.

On the subject of aliens, a tax could readily be imposed on the transfer of funds from 2 million aliens residing in the US to persons or entities located in other countries.

We would, however, propose one new tax, which we call the “Big Mouth Tax.”

The concept of this tax is addressed to those political hacks who attempt to buy votes by giving away free stuff like “free” health care, “free” college.

Let’s have the crowd who wants to buy votes with “free” stuff pay for all of this free stuff themselves The collection of the Big Mouth Tax would have the politicians put their own money where their own Big Mouths are.

Instead of making phony promises intending to buy the votes of the gullible members of the American public by trying to have those members of the public believe that they are somehow going to be paid with other taxpayer’s money, or that the public will be made to feel better by the “soaking” of the rich

How about it Bernie, you’re a rich guy (net worth $ 2 Million)

Nancy Pelosi (net worth $ 140 Million)

Maxine Waters (net worth $ 2 Million)

Harry Reid (net worth $10 Million)

Chuck Schumer (net worth 1 Million)

Senator Elizabeth Warren (net worth $ 8 Million)

Senator Kristen Gillibrand (net worth $ 498, 500

New Jersey Senator Cory Booker (net worth $ 2 Million))

Joe Biden (net worth $ .9 Million)

Connecticut senator, Joe Lieberman (net worth $ 1.981)

Diane Feinstein (net worth $ 80 Million)

Carmala Harris (net worth $ 2 Million

How did all of these US Congress people from the Democratic Party get so wealthy giving away taxpayer money?

A second tax proposal is the “Swamp Tax. Under the Swamp Tax, all politicians and former politicians who receive any income from any source associated with or earned during their time in public office over and above their stated governmental salary would be required to pay a Swamp Tax of 95% of said overage.

The only exclusions of such income, would be income from the following sources:

1.) Interest earned on bank deposits at interest rates commonly provided to middle class depositors, with respect to middle class depositor’s deposit of less than $50,000.
2.) Profit on the sale of stock commonly traded on one of the U.S. indices.
(This exclusion would be limited so that it could not include the stock of any company having had business of any kind with any agency of government or any corporation whose profit is in any way related to favorable government actions).

Income which would be included as taxable under the “Swamp Tax” would be income from speeches, income from service as consultants, officers, directors of entities, book deals and such income received by any relative of such politician.


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