Best Of Cryptocurrencies and Gold TROLLING Banksters!

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

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The arrival of Cryptocurrencies started in 2009 when the first genesis block was mined for Bitcoin. Since that it has been an adventure of unimaginable prosperity for many people.

When I first saw Bitcoin back in early 2013, I found it interesting because it claimed to remove the need for central banksters and banksters. This dream has hit some opposition as Mainstream Media is trying to create a firewall of negative news to deter the populace from getting involved.

The Banks are well known for propaganda. From the Rothschilds to JPMorgan in 1929 to Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein today. They are all the same. They want to set up shop for their fractional reserve Ponzi scheme to enslave the sheep. They have outdone themselves this time as the banking system has engulfed most of the world except for the Rheba Free nations.

I wanted to do a Top five of Banksters being trolled by Crypto. Here are my five favourites :)

Number 1:
This is my favourite by far when the head Central Banker of the World Janet Yellen gets trolled by Bitcoin :D

Number 2:
Here is a question for you Jamie Dimon 🙂 Do you like how the decentralized blockchain might remove the need for banks? 😉 Unfortunately, I can't find the video on Youtube so you can see it directly.

Here is a tie. John McAfee trolls MSM and Dimon on the future of Bitcoin.

Number 3:

Lol, the moment when @KeiserReport trolls fake Jamie Dimon.

Number 4:

When you ask the person about to replaced about his demise:

Number 5:

Our good friend @JeffBerwick trolls MSM great!

Number 6:

I had to promote my trolling of mainstream media shamelessly:

Talking about that here are my favourite precious metal trolls of banksters as well :)

Number 1:

Mike Dice and Luke Redkowski of @WeAreChange trolls the FED police :D

Number 2:

Here is one of my all-time favourites when Ron Paul Trolls Bernanke and wins big:

Number 3:

Another great trolling by Ron Paul of Ben Bernanke:

Number 4:

Max Keiser compares Jamie Dimon to a tapeworm:

Number 5:

Excellent trolling, but the idea of feeling the BURN I don't agree with :)

Please make sure that you share your favourite trolling of the banksters and their central banker slaves.

Love, Peace and Voluntaryism,



Thanks for this John! It's nice to have a refresher on how ridiculously hard it is for people to use logic and reason instead of trying to preserve power. Crazy time's we are livin' in.

Haha! Good one, John. The Bitcoin Guy trolling Janet Yellen is my personal favorite, mostly because it was so unexpected!

The Ron Paul one is classic.

But I had never seen the Mark Dice / Luke one and really loved it. Top notch trolling!

Those Federal Reserve "police" don't realize how they themselves are subservient puppets who are getting their salaries and pensions fleeced by their satanic master overlords. Traitors to say the least. Pretty pathetic.

Honestly our memes are far superior to anything central bankers can come up with.

Max and his Jamie Dimon as a tapeworm is my favorite. I remember seeing the episode when it first aired and having to pause it for a full 5 minutes so I could stop laughing.

Also rate the Ron Paul exchanges with Bernanke

Then there is Matt Tiabbi's classic depiction of Goldman Sachs as a "great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money".

Crytocurrency is the bomb. Thanks for the update.

Never had so much fun reading a steemit post before. I enjoyed watching video where they troll reserve bank.

Well thought out, and presented nicely. Great info, and I look forward to more! - Silver Philly

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