
You show a short form DD214 with redacted blacked out discharge status. Only members with 'less than honorable discharge' are given a short and long form. Honorable discharge gets long form only and this is NOT YOU.

and you have been reported. lucky you they only press charges if you falsely claim certain awards, medals, or deployments. you know just how far to press your luck. but it will come back to haunt you one day. mr. award for best tank driver in the army bwahahahahaha! no such award!

Well Ryan, I can show you my awards, medals and other things. I have done that already. Its on YouTube

And you saw those.

And you already turned me in for stolen valor.

That was years ago.

I am still walking free.

I use my Michigan Veterans ID card all the time for discounts at stores.

Your words cannot change the facts. I served in the US Army and have awards, medals and an ID to prove it.

funny how none of those awards or medals you showed appear on that DD214 you claimed is your real one. which by the way still waiting for you to show a real DD214 member 4 copy the only one that maters and show your discharge status. if it says honorable then you shouldnt have any trouble or fear showing it.

my DD214 shows every award/medal i earned.

if you dont want to show your DD214 showing your discharge status and veteran status then show your Veteran Affairs preference letter which is issued for using to prove your status.

you want im sure and instead come up with all kinds of excuses...

clearly you have no clue what i was saying about what the law is for stolen valor in order for them to arrest you. you should really learn to read. and your driver license is NOT PROOF you are a vet. you have to have 24 months active duty service time to be considered a veteran by the veterans administration and dod. you also have to be honorably discharged and you have never proven that. all you showed was documents anyone can print off the internet. the va has NO RECORD of you nor does DOD. the units you claim do NOT have you on their duty rosters from ANY TIME! you troy reid are a FRAUD!

And I use my Michigan State Id with Veterans status to get discounts all the time.

There it is in writing.

yep as far as i am concerned and many other vets you are stolen valor and you will get whats coming to you for it. the law will catch up with you sooner or later...

you told everyone in the comments that your unit saluted that way up until real vets called you out on that lie. then a long time later you made up that excuse about doing it as an insult. which by the way no real vet would insult our military or nation by saluting left handed on purpose.

Show the comments. You cant because its a lie.

Hey Troy I bought a t-shirt from Doc. Did you order yours yet.

just because you delete the comments and videos shortly after they have served your purpose of inciting your followers doesnt mean they never existed.

i and other vets will never lay off a stolen valor thief like you.

Ryan you have reported me for stolen valor again and again through the years.

Get it through your head. I served. Period.

no troy i reported you once. you still dont understand my earlier comment. suggest you take a reading comprehension course.

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