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RE: Reputation Score, Followers, and Mindset all Improving

in #blog7 years ago

Thank you for your encouragement, it's always nice to hear. I've was always taught that you need to keep learning, the second you stop is the moment you have started dying. Maybe you don't start to die physically when you stop learning, but mentally and emotionally you do. There is a long story about this that I will need to post one day as it's a story I think many people need to hear.

As for teaching I had a mentor that told me that to master something you must first teach it. After some debate, another long story, I did as he instructed and from there understood what he was talking about. You gain a much greater understanding of something when you are trying to explain it to others, challenged by others, and deal with others who need you to explain it in more then one way. Little things that you "just got" are challenging to someone else so you need to go into more depth and think of new ways to explain it. Overall the experience of teaching some classes was a huge benefit to me in the past and I think to day the mentality carries over.

I hope many will take a leaf out of your book (myself included) to continue to challenge themselves to not settle for mediocrity.

Me too!


You raise some very interesting points @thedarkhorse. I don’t think we give enough awareness to our emotional, mental and spiritual well being at times. It is easy to put our physical needs first and keep doing that as it feels good, but we are not doing ourselves any favours taking mental shortcuts to avoid internal struggle, conflict or conviction. It is not until we pause to understand other people’s view points, partake in discussions like these, and understand how an individual has reached certain conclusions that we learn more about ourselves; what drives and motivates us, what beliefs and values we choose to pursue and what indeed, we need to do about putting those beliefs into practise. My mind was numb for many years having succumbed to sleeping pill addiction after suffering decades of chronic insomnia. I lost my personality, my voice, my passion and worst of all, my hope. I became a physical recluse and it took a lot of prayers, love, patience and support from my husband and my family to coax me back into finding myself again and re-connecting with people even though I’d be forced to stop mid-sentence because I forgot what I was talking about. It was so tempting to withdraw into my shell every time that happened, but how was that going to benefit my loved ones or myself for that matter? Coming out of that addiction and dealing with a very sluggish brain, and a shockingly poor memory, I’ve really had to push myself to think clearly, build up my confidence once again, and engage with others. It’s still not easy, but it is very rewarding when I conquer every mental milestone I thought I’d never again reach. Now, I’m wanting to cram so much into one day I simply run out of time to achieve all I want to in order to make up for lost time.......(and I’m talking years of seclusion)and have to remind myself that I am not as young as I mentally think I am and it’s ok to rest when I need to. 😊

I'm so sorry that you had to deal with this addition. It's amazing how much effect something like a sleeping pill can have on your body and mind. I had to take strong muscle relaxers and pain meds for a torn ligament in my back for months and I was worthless the entire time. Can't imagine if that had been something which went on longer. It was really hard on myself, but worse on my Wife dealing with me. Your Family sounds like they did what was needed to bring you back. Good thing they were there!

Prescription Pills have their uses but all are toxic to our bodies. I've always been interested in natural therapies but nothing seemed to help with insomnia. Thankfully, after a lot of research I've been able to make a lot of progress. This is why I value this second chance of life and don't want to waste a minute of living to my fullest potential now. Life is so precious.

Completely agree most have a purpose, but they are not good for you. If there is a natural solution it will always be best.

Something I read last night might be of interest to you about sleeping patterns and how modern thinking of sleeping for the entire night is not how it's always been and may not even be the most effective for all people. I'll let you read it without saying more about it. It's interesting as my sleeping patterns are always messed up, but never personally called it insomnia...but others probably would.

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