The Devil in a Blue Dress

in #blog6 years ago

"God Only Knows What It's Doing To Our Children's Brains"

— Sean Parker, Napster founder and original Facebook president.

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Our story today dates back to January of 2012 when a Data Collecting agency moonlighting as a social media platform launched a secret mission into the minds of their users, without their consent.

The experiment consisted into filtering the contents on the users’ feeds without their knowledge, basically stopping them from seeing certain posts that were shared by their friends.

The experiment subjects were then successfully locked into an echo-chamber where only certain types of content are allowed to be seen.

The echo-chamber is one of the most powerful manipulation techniques known to man. Its main principle consists on removing the entire surroundings of the victim so that the manipulator can control everything they can hear and see.

The goal of the perpetrators is that the victims are completely unable to receive any other pieces of information from the outside world to compare with the information inside the echo-chamber.

“One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.”
— J. R. R. Tolkien.

Cults are notorious for employing this tactic, the minute a new victim is recruited, no effort is spared in order to separate them from their family, friends and any connection to the outside world.

Just like a serpent slowly circling your rib cage, wrapping themselves around your body while slowly debilitating you... Until they know that they successfully immobilize you, it’s then and only then that they begin to inject the venom.

The Venomous Taste of the Single Narrative

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Dangers of the single story isn’t exactly what you call a short commodity, history is filled with conflicts that were instigated, wars that were ignited and societies that were brought to their knees by such an inhuman monstrosity.

Our free will and critical senses are what makes us human after all.

“It neither kills outright nor inflicts apparent physical harm, yet the extent of its destructive toll is already greater than that of any war, plague, famine, or natural calamity on record - and its potential damage to the quality of human life and the fabric of civilized society is beyond calculation.

For that reason this sickness of the soul might well be called the 'Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse.' Its more conventional name, of course, is dehumanization.” ― Ashley Montagu, The Dehumanization Of Man.

Stephen Colbert joked the other day about Facebook’s threat on our free will, and to be honest, I didn’t quite understand what he meant back then.

Until I started to take a deep look at Facebook’s echo-chambers and I asked myself: Who does these things?

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It’s funny to observe how it’s always the most despicable of all dictators that try to isolate the public from any other piece of information that defies the single narrative.

In Nazi Germany, the Gestapo convinced the population that they had records and surveillance of every single citizen, while in fact they only had the personal data of about 10% of the population.

I guess they didn’t have Facebook back then.

The reason why they did that of course is to scare the public from subscribing to any ideology that deviates from the single story that they push in newspaper and television which they controlled with an iron fist.

After all, you don't need me to tell you about all the extensive censorship and propaganda in the Third Reich, we've all heard the stories. But let me give you another example.

In the former Soviet Union there were two only newspapers allowed: Pravda (the Truth) and Izvestiya (the News).

And people apparently used to joke that there was no truth in the News, and no news in the Truth.

They kind of knew what was going on but at the end of the day, they had no other options, as they were locked inside an airtight echo-chamber where they are constantly fed the same antagonistic narrative until such point when they become effectively divided and polarized.

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Closing Thoughts

If you would've told me a few years ago that there was someone collecting data about every single aspect of people’s lives. That they were tracking each activity that the public engages in.

That they were trying to listen to everyone in the privacy of their homes, and spy on people every hour of the day… And oh, that they were busy trying to lock people inside ideological echo-chambers and trap them in feedback loops.

And then if you would’ve given me the choice between:

A) Joseph Goebbels
B) Ivan Pavlov
C) Jim Jones
D) Mark Zuckerberg

If you would’ve asked me that a few years ago, there’s no way in hell I would’ve answered Zucks.

I guess there is only one thing left to say:

Zucks, your algorithm sucks!

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Image Sources: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6


'venomous taste of the single narrative", great line

Haha thanks! :)

Bitcoin is the next big thing for the people of this world. Its solves so many problem of the current worlds problem. Slow and steadily we are seeing the development in this field.

Yeah bitcoin and the blockchain as a whole including this beautiful blockchain right here :) Sooner or later more and more people will start to see the difference, and we're very early in the development anyways :)

Humans used to be animist and lived in tribes, and then they lived in villages and become polytheist, those village formed empires and they become monotheist, these empire fall and government rises as humans become nationalist, these days we see corporations hold more power than governments as humans slowly drift to a new form of worship, capitalism..

Just the way humans evolve maybe?

I don't believe Zuckerberg has a conspiracy to be the next world dominant fascist. Even if his company's actions seemingly drift towards so. I think he does all those stuff only in he name of "creating value for the investors" and if making money means brainwashing half the world population, so be it.

The rise of online Big Data powered social media does and has irreversible affect on the way humans live, just like electricity and governments. Just like how on-demand porn has caused dopamine addictions never seen before in human history.

It's very dangerous water we are threading as a species and unfortunately regulation is failing to keep up with the pace of technology, AI, social media, advertising and surveillance ("behavioral data mining"), gene-editing technology, open source cryptocurrency, space exploration all are wonderful technology with consequences that will affect the course of humanity, either making human lives better or throwing humanity into a distopian world.

On your topic of social media creating an echo chamber, I guess the best defense for us users is to expand our horizon as far as we can and to entertain all forms of idea even if we at first don't accept them.

But of course, 40 thousand years from now the Space Marine will tell you

An open mind is like a fortress with its gates and door unguarded.

I apologize for bringing up Warhammer 40k reference😂😂😂😂

Haha never apologize for that. All references are welcome :)

I actually think Zuckerberg's motives are irrelevant, just what they seek.. All we know is that they started as a social media company, then they started tracking data.. Then they started spying on people even if they log out.

Then they expanded to spying on people even if they delete the app.. So at this point they were already a data selling company.

Then they decided to cut the middle man, and started engaging in social engendering to shape people's views, and inserting listening devices to get dirt on people and sell those (espionage and what not).

This is very creepy and not everyone will condone that, it takes a very special type of person for that. Notice how many high Facebook execs quit because their conscience couldn't take it anymore.

All of them say the same thing, we knew what we were doing was horrible but we did it anyways.

But then again, this isn't a character assassination. It's about what the company does, I added him in the end just to plug the joke in, but it was never personal :)

Thanks for the great comment btw!

Good read @the-alien. This is an everyday reminder that not everything we see is real, and not everything we feel comes naturally from us. Sometimes this is what "they" want us to do, act and react.

Thanks @micheleast! I'm glad you like it :)

Yeah totally, sometimes we're being lead and we don't even realize it. :P

Dude this is so EPIC!!! You're on another level @the-alien. Seems to be something sinister about Israel these days..

Haha thanks! I don't think I wrote about Israel though :P

yeah, I mean Zuckerberg being Jew..

I've made a Fuck Facebook Coin for anyone who's angry about facebook:

Yeah Fuck Facebook. Nice going @tytung. I hope your coins going viral boosting your steem rep..

Haha me too! I hope they get superviral!

It is one of the defining characteristics of a psychopath / narcissist, that they look to control the narrative. Their entire mind is focussed on control. Everything they utter is about control.

Telling one group one thing, and another group another.
Then getting the two groups to fight.

That is the modus operandi of a psychopath / narcissist.
We should be aware of this, and start cutting out these sources from our lives.

And yes, the story they told about Zuck was quite convincing. Being a student. Starting this thing in a dorm room. They just don't tell you how the assassinated all the other "personal media sites" and all the money that was behind developing f-c-book.

The real story probably went like this. Zuck is going to university, because all the elites have to, and then saw someone developing facebook, and then "started helping" them. Burrowing further in, and taking control by sewing dissent among the group, and placing himself above the others with "financing".

"Telling one group one thing, and another group another.
Then getting the two groups to fight."

Exactly! You nailed it in two sentences. That should be a warning sign on its own.

The second part you've said, there are actually a lot of stories about him enlisted to help the Winklevoss twins and he stole it from them. But personally, I never focus on that because I wasn't there and I don't know the facts.

What worries me is that when you see how Facebook operates and ask yourself "who does that?" and then you see the CEO testifying before congress seeming like a dude who lacks any emotions or regards for other people.

The problem is not that he failed to showcase any remorse, but it's that he seemed like a person incapable of remorse. :P

Thanks again for the awesome and engaging comment btw!

bitcoin is one of the biggest opportunities since the invention of the internet itself.... great times to be around....

Great times indeed! I'll never get tired of being reminded that! :)

Great analogy!
Never thought about facebook to that extent yet.
Crazy world we live in!
Hopefully the future turns out better lol!
The Venus Project should help alot when all technology is in place!
Upvoted Followed and Resteemed!

and the irony is that even if we give up everything now they can track us i mean what the meaning of life is now

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