Update on Slim Jim

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

It has been 8 days since Slim Jim was accidentally posioned

I just wanted to let everyone know he is doing great. I gave him some CBD and it helped him get over the tremors and the spasms from the accidental dog flea posioning to our cat.


It amazing me that CBD

Isn't more wide spread in it's usage. But it works on animals too. The vet thought he would have tremors for a while according to the vet he should still have them and he doesn't. I really think that has to do with Charlotte's Web. My baby is back to normal.


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Very happy to hear he's doing well! Very scary with those seizures he was having...

Yes, various forms of CBDs are so excellent for curing many things. A friend of ours not only owns the local "Reefer Den," he's also an expert of body and brain chemistry... he can spout more science on the benefits of the "magic herb" than you can imagine.


Oh I can image I started researching cures for seizures when I was a kid, and when I was 11 years old in the BSU library I came across a medical research paper talking about how marijuana could help control seizures. I been researching it ever since. I am 40 now, so if my math is correct I been studying the benefits and uses for the plant for 29 years.

Happy he’s doing well. So crazy.

We are changing the dogs flea treatment to nexguard so this doesn't happen again.

It’s so scary. You want to do the right thing and treat them properly and then there are nasty side effects. Argh!!!!

I told my husband I am done giving the cats and dogs the same stuff. We don't know how the dogs flea medicine got into the cat flea medicine box but from now on the dogs get the ones you eat, and we won't have to worry about the cats getting the dog flea meds. And now I will keep CBD on hand for my pets for just in case moments.

Yeah. So scary. We have CBD for the pups as well.

Glad Slim Jim is doing well. I have been hearing more and more about CDB. But honestly, I have never heard anyone talk about using it for animals. Wow! Mind blown.

I saw some Charlotte's Web Paws and that is why I even thought it might work when I bought some Charlotte's Web for myself. So I had my husband run me back over there and they were sold out so I did some quick research on my phone and saw the paws formula isn't that different from the human version so I gave it to him and it works. Amazing stuff it is, I wasn't sure it was going to work, but after 30 minutes and the tremors stopping I knew I found the key to making sure he recovered and he recovered quicker than I expected at that.

CBD is amazing stuff.

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Yes it is, and what it did for my cat I just have to get the word out because many animals suffer from seizures, tremors and spasms and if this product can help them their owners should know.

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