Good Morning Steemians

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

I am well aware it could be evening or night for some steemians

But for me it is morning. So I will start this off by saying Good morning Steemians. I hope the day finds you well and ready to face and conquer what ever challenges you shall face today. Earlier in the week I had to get up super early to go run my daughter to see her doctor, her car was acting up, so instead of her just driving herself I had to go to campus to get her and take her because you know that is what parents do even for their college age or adult children. But it has had my schedule off in the days since. I woke up yesterday at 5:30 in the morning. I normally get up around 8 am. Today I woke up at 6:30 am and I hope tomorrow it I am back to my regular sleeping schedule.

My first challenge this morning was a migraine

I did say was a migraine, first thing I did was take some medicine and a natural remedy for it. As I type this out it is 8 am and I am feeling so much better, my migraine is dulled to a slight dull ache which seems to be getting better by the minute. I am so glad the combination seemed to work so well. I am going to have o remember to do that in combination when that happens again.

My second challenge for myself today is to be more active as a steemian

I have been kind of in a funk. I haven't been as active as I could be. For a couple of weeks I was sick but in reality minus those couple of weeks, I could have found more time, as I been wasting a lot of time here lately watching online videos from documentaries to movies to tv shows. (Speaking of TV shows if you haven't watched "Castle Rock" I highly recommend it.) I want to blame writers block, but in reality I been feeling a little lost again. My baby graduated and though he is still living at home. He is working now and helping support himself. My role is changing and time that I spent educating him is now free and I feel lost not knowing what to do with the extra time. And though I try working on project around our homestead, with my back issues, there is only so much I can do without the help from my husband or son and they both work outside the home.

I have also been trying to focus more on my photography business

I have had some success with different marketing campaigns and slowly I am growing my business. I depend on word of mouth mainly for expansion, I do have a facebook page and recently I started to promote myself at different local events. But I don't spend much money to promote my business. Business cards is my biggest expense next to my equipment. I hope in the next 2 to 3 years to have a small photo studio built on the back end of my property. I know that would help increase my business because even though location photography looks better IMO some people want that studio shoot and don't want to risk the weather. That is the down side of only being able to do location photography.

So I have decided to use the spare bedroom as a make shift photo studio till I can build one

I have to get the storage shed done so I can do that as we are currently storing everything that should be in a shed in there. But with some backdrops you won't be able to tell it is taken in an spare bedroom. And if I use it just for that we can use a break down of what it cost per room to live here and use that room cost as a business expense on our taxes and save us a little bit of money. I haven't invested in some of the equipment for studio work yet because I have no studio to work in. But I am finally going to invest in some and while looking it gave me another idea.

Portable Backdrops and stands

I go to this thing called YART twice a year. I sell my nature and scenic photography there and also promote steemit. Next month I will have a portable set up with extra lights so I am going to set up my YART booth to do photos. I will offer discounted photos using the green screen backdrop and they will be able to choose different backgrounds for their photo. I am hoping it will help me expand my business to help me fill the void left from being done with the journey of home schooling my son.

So why I am sharing this

I want to keep myself accountable. I find when I share what my plans are I have more accountability to myself. I was once told when you set goals tell others about those goals it helps keep you on track. You might have set backs, you might find things are smooth sailing. You could find you need to do something else, or that you are over whelmed and need help. But by sharing what your goals are you keep yourself on track to complete those goals.

Today's goals are

  1. Ordering the backdrop and lights, I already have them picked out have for months. I am no longer going to procrastinate that. check

  2. I am going to comment on at least 30 other steemians posts if not more

  3. I am going to find at least 3 new users who have a quality introduction post and give 100% upvote to them to welcome them to the platform and say some encouraging words to them. check

  4. Reshoot a cooking4charity video as something failed during my last attempt and it caught the video but none of the audio. I might try to overlay the sound but I am afraid it will look like a b rated confu fighting movies. This time I am gonna use the video mode of my Nikon and see how well it does.

  5. Make a Do you know post for my readers as I planned to do it as a weekly series on Mondays, but I was gone for 12 hours Monday so I didn't have time to do it.

So those of the 5 main things I want to accomplish today. And if things go well maybe I will add another item or two as the day goes on. Happy Steeming my fellow Steemians, what do you plan to accomplish today? Let me now in the comments below.

social media done right updated.jpg


Sounds like a good plan, my friend!
Are you a caffeine-helps or a caffeine-hurts migraine person? For me, caffeine helps, so the first thing I do is an espresso shot when I feel one coming on. Oftentimes, I can fend it off before it takes real hold! But I know some people are the opposite, and caffeine makes it worse.
I have a FB friend who does photography like that - only being able to do location shoots. I'm sure especially in winter it's a real slow down on business! So much luck with your plans.

I am a caffeine helps type of a person and thankfully I can report it is gone now completely. And yes winter does slow things down a lot.

Good morning. Great goals. So important. I plan to take more Landscape photography over the coming weeks... fall is in the air

Posted using Partiko iOS

Good morning @offgridlife I hope the day is treating you well. Landscape photography is beautiful but wait I think pretty much all photography can be beautiful.

Whew.. dammmmnnn that's a lot of projects.. I'm already tired just reading about them..

you and me both lol

Great attitude! Never Quit!

I feel asleep before finishing everything. But I did get started on everything but the video. And I commented on 25 posts I wanted to comment on more but had a hard time find good posts to comment on.

It seems to be getting harder isn't it.

It does plus I have back issues so as the day progresses things get harder

If you had an interest you could check out @steemitbloggers, there is a lot of good stuff over there. That's where I am finding everything g to read

I will check them out

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