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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 06/01/18> Customer service… brick & mortar… online purchasing and my thoughts, all in this edition.

in #blog6 years ago

that was greta work by you noting they were close to the limit for the fishing trip and following up with them, thats as you say what makes a store stand out over online shops

I do use online occasionally but i much prefer shopping it Brick and Mortar stores as much as possible


I guess that I am just old school and believe in personal interaction. I had a nightmare experience with an online order I placed with a computer for a car, it took over two months to resolve and an additional $350 on a $200 purchase. I like being able to speak to someone face to face when ever possible.

Yes I am the same buying at a local store you know you will have support if needed

Brilliant minds think alike.

but they also say fools never differ

Yes, "they" do say that, but my experience tells me that most of the "they's" don't know their ass from a hole in the ground so I'm sticking to my guns on this one, we are brilliant minds.

I wont argue with that LOL :)

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