My Steemit Birthday!

in #blog6 years ago

I am one of those people who love their birthday and now that I have two, all the more reason to celebrate!

So, happy (steemit) birthday to me!


A year ago (maybe few days off) I published my first post and I couldn't have been more proud of my 0,01$ that I made on it. I din't really know much about steemit and the practice of "introduceyourself" tag, but I knew I wanted to write something.

Strangely, my first blog on dogs and philosophy shaped the rest of my writing and I often stayed on the philosophical side of it. I guess I found myself and my inner writer here.


I am glad that my little fur-ball was the inspiration for that first post, and Minnie is to this day my inspiration for happier life. I just wish you could see this toy today (or what's left of it).

It took me a while to find some kind of niche and earn some kind of money here, but I was determined to put myself out there and wait for some positive feedback.

Along the way Curie came to play and ability to help other authors by finding their posts.

Over all, it was an AMAZING year, with ups and downs but never boring. New friends, fresh art, great writing and much more are now a daily part of my life and I am very happy to be here!

With love,


Sve najbolje, Tamara! Uživam u tvojim rečima :-)

Veliki pozdrav,

O hvala, kakav kompliment :)

Osećam se sjajno!

Čestitke na prvoj godini na steemitu! :D

Srećna godišnjica na STEEMITU, poštovana @tamacvet

Congratulations for a productive first year! :)

Oh, thank you very much @herverisson

Happy first year on the platform
Thank you for sharing the cake and the hair ball photograph.

Cao Tamara, super, bas se radujem sto si "vec" godinu dana ovde, ja sam tek pola tvog puta prosla, i super je. Nadam se da cemo se ovde druziti jos mnogo mnogo godina, kao i sa ostalima svima iz steemit-a, pogotovo teamserbia trailu, i svima novima. Sve najbolje ti zelim za buduce postove, i mnog, mnogo vise uspeha. Maja

Srećna prva godišnjica i želim ti još više uspeha i uživanja na Steemit-u! :)

Happy steem bday @tamacvet.
Your dog looks very cute and sweet :)

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