HOW TO BECOME A TRUE FRIEND--15 WAYS TO BE A TRUE FRIEND-- Tag your true friend in the comment box

in #blog7 years ago



“Don’t wait for people to be friendly. Show them how.”

We all want to have true friends, but the quality of our friends depends on us. If you want to have true friends, you should be a true friend yourself. The only way to have a friend is to be one.By being a genuine companion, individuals will love to associate with you and huge numbers of them will, in the long run, turn into your actual companions.

Also, being a genuine companion is a decent method to tackle relationship issues. It's hard to change other individuals, however, you can simply change yourself. You would then be able to tackle the generally unsolved issues seeing someone.

Genuine companions can be hard to discover and keep, yet they're the companions will's identity there for you, won't pass judgment on you and will stick up for you regardless of whether you don't concur on everything. It can be hard to discover and make genuine companions, however, it's conceivable in the event that you recognize what qualities to search for, put yourself out there to meet new individuals, and show bona fide intrigue. It's additionally essential to maintain a strategic distance from counterfeit companions and be a decent companion yourself to make and keep genuine companions.

Here I’d like to share 15 tips to become a true friend. It may take months and years to learn to apply them but they are essential to boost your relationships.

Here they are:

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Understand first

Everybody takes a gander at life through his own particular focal point. Regularly we anticipate that others will see life through an indistinguishable focal point from our own, however that will make a great deal of issues. A genuine companion is somebody who will look through other individuals' focal points first. He tries to comprehend why they think and act that way.

One thing I find supportive for this is finding out about identity. Finding out about identity causes me comprehend why individuals act uniquely in contrast to me in specific circumstances. A decent, simple to-process book regarding this matter is Personality Plus.

Find common ground

Discovering shared view encourages you interface with new companions rapidly. The shared opinion enables you to converse with others about something they are keen on and in this manner manufacture associations with them.

To make it less demanding to discover shared conviction, you ought to amplify your ground. The bigger your ground, the simpler it is for you to interface with others. Two basic approaches to amplify your ground is perusing a considerable measure and listening a great deal.

Be interested

In the event that you need to intrigue you should first be intrigued. Be interested. Develop enthusiasm about numerous things. In the event that you do that, you can really be eager when individuals converse with you about something. Individuals will feel acknowledged and love to associate with you.

Take initiative to help

Make use of your friends by being of use to them.
Benjamin Franklin

A genuine companion doesn't hold up until the point that somebody asks his assistance. Rather, he steps up with regards to help other people. This, obviously, is less demanding said than done. To do this, you ought to be vigilant for needs. Be delicate. Frequently you can discover others' needs through what they certainly say. You may likewise observe it through their non-verbal communication. When you sense a need, consider how you can help them and step up with regards to help.

Trust others

Confidence is the foundation of friendship. If we give it, we will receive it.
Harry E. Humpreys

In the event that you regard others as great and reliable individuals, they will likewise treat you in like manner. Have faith in your heart that individuals are normally great, notwithstanding when they appear to be the inverse. Individuals will feel how you put stock in them and they will be touched by your earnestness.


Rebuke when you should

In giving advice, seek to help, not please, your friend.

A genuine companion isn't anxious about saying reality, regardless of whether it's not advantageous to the ones who hear it. A genuine companion thinks excessively about the individual's health that he can't bear to give him a chance to live wrongly. Continuously have others' best enthusiasm for your heart and be straightforward to them.

Know the right time to do things

Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it’s all over.
Gloria Naylor

A genuine companion knows the correct time to adulate, the opportune time to tune in, and the perfect time to reprimand. She knows when to come and when to remain away. A genuine companion aces the specialty of timing.

Have integrity

There can be no friendship without confidence and no confidence without integrity.
Samuel Johnson

Uprightness is the establishment of genuine kinship. Make certain that you do what you say. You can just form genuine companionship on the off chance that you are consistent with yourself as well as other people.

Commend others

Reprove your friend privately, commend him publicly.

Individuals require appreciation. They have to realize that you value them. Regularly we rush to censure yet ease back to laud. We should make it the inverse. Truly praise them when they accomplish something right. Stunningly better, recognize them freely.

Leverage others’ potential

My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.
Henry Ford

A genuine companion needs to see the general population around them satisfy their greatest potential. You can do this by helping your companions perceive and build up their own qualities.

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Befriend yourself

Friendship with oneself is all important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.
Eleanor Roosevelt

This is a basic initial step on the off chance that you are to be a genuine companion. In the event that you don't acknowledge yourself, how might you acknowledge others? You may have committed errors in the past that you can't overlook. Be that as it may, pardon yourself for them. You maybe don't have the attributes you need throughout everyday life. In any case, acknowledge yourself as you seem to be.

Accept others

A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.

After you become a close acquaintence with yourself, you will be in a decent position to acknowledge others. Other individuals may treat you terribly or have some unfortunate propensities you don't care for. In any case, you are not immaculate yourself so there is no explanation behind you not to acknowledge them.

Make time

At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, not winning one more verdict or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a friend, a child, or a parent.
Barbara Bush

Some of the time we are excessively caught up with, making it impossible to give time to connections, notwithstanding for essential individuals throughout our life. That in all probability happens on the grounds that we put connections too low in our need list. In the event that we view connections as high need, time won't be an issue. We will set aside a few minutes for connections.

Be a good listener

Friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.
Ed Cunningham

The craft of listening is a standout amongst the most troublesome expressions to ace. I encounter it myself. Now and again I chat with a companion however don't precisely tune in to what he says. Now and again I'm acquainted with another individual however don't precisely hear her out name. A genuine companion doesn't do that. A genuine companion is a decent audience.

Enrich others’ life

Friendship is a treasured gift, and every time I talk with you I feel as if I’m getting richer and richer.

A genuine companion offers some incentive to others. She needs individuals who meets her to be advanced in their life. On the off chance that you need to do that, you should carry on with a way of life of significant worth. Along these lines you store up an incentive in your life you would then be able to disperse to others.


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