
sorry but what is hampton!

where the american oligarch who are too poor to own a place in florida congregate on we during the spring / fall.

so why you have to wipe that? what harming you? from them?

remember, she was a nice person, and queen of france, but at one point... she was nice, tsarina of russia, but at one point...

I think some of those people, have been 100% bailed by the fed, are totally incompetent and leading america and the west to it's ruin.

I believe they see themselves, as mr bloomberg as superior human breed, and contrary to mr trump never saw that welding is a real job with real people, some nice and pro and others total failures, but at least and contrary to them, he seems to not have lost all connection.

Then when you see the financial power they have, and the interference they can generate in the domestic affairs of the us, and worst their actions in regards to States ready to reply (the crusade of msnbc to declare war on russia for example) I believe that wiping them is easier.

ohh i got it thanks :) for the info

it's only speculation, guesses, wild theories, and most importantly only pixel on a screen... you may attribute meanings that may not have been intended :).

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