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RE: Game of Coins

in #blog7 years ago

I like a person who thinks and @the-alien you fit my definition of of thinking man to a tee as the saying goes.
Accountability is a foreign concept to politicians and governments and block chain does exactly that , creates accountability.
It is important to note that we, the public , are the ones to hold them accountable and we have failed on our part to fulfill that duty.
Finally, as a collective , we are taking a stand and going at it in a way that is most threatening to them and their power, which is the money.
Keep up the great work , I will continue to support it.
Until next time,


I think it's time to start giving a WTF to the police for turning a blind eye all these years as well. It's easy to point a finger at our collective complacency because you're right, it's happening, but officers are literally paid to protect & investigate crimes & yet, they've done fuck all as we cower just trying to get by & stay off the streets & people are put in cages for victimless crimes while criminals rule the world.

Trillions disappear, the law is twisted & manipulated while average folks risk dying or getting beaten for broken tail lights & jay walking & harassed for speaking up.

I don't want to be complicit by looking the other way, but I also don't want to be dead. Changing the paradigm of the world is tricksy business when people risk loss of life or livelihood by going against the norms.

My complacency ended four years ago when a good friend was convicted and sentenced to prison for a crime he did not commit. Since then I spent a very large amount of my free time reading these so called laws.
This reply could be very lengthy if I tried to explain his situation , so I won't right now ,maybe I will write a piece on it and post it later.
For this forum I will suggest to anyone who happens to see this , read all can on jury nullification.
As a juror you have the responsibility to not only judge the facts of the case but the law of the case as well. Judges and magistrates will not tell the jurors this little known fact, but it is the truth.
The person can be guilty of the crime charged but if the jury deems the law unjust it is the jury's duty to find the person not guilty. Go to and start reading, that is a good place to start.
The police are policy enforcers, the politicians create policy so it is unrealistic of us to believe that the police will go after the people who create work for them. Each one of us can make a difference , jury duty is something most people try to avoid, we need to change that mindset and start using the power we have inside the court house for a starting point.
Don't get me wrong, I agree with you and your frustration with the system. I am just pointing out a place where we can be heard and make a difference. When juries start letting defendants go free on bs charges we can start making a difference.
My apologies to all for being off topic from the original topic but this is something I am very passionate about.

I agree .... and do you remember a guy named: George Carlin ? go to YouTube and search: George Carlin The Best 3 minutes of his career

Yeah exactly! I think a separation between state and money could do the public a lot of good.

You're right about accountability, although if all transactions are registered on the blockchain there would be pure transparency and nowhere to hide, no need for court orders, or diplomatic immunity or any titles, cause everything will be public domain.

Thank you for the nice words and the interesting comment as always!

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