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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 07/09/18> The Great Pyramid Scheme ….Fascinating, isn’t it?

in #blog6 years ago

These "glorified institutions" are nothing more than indoctrination facilities disguised to be places of higher education. As person could almost make the case that they are a fraud and engage deceptive business practices.
The sole purpose is to create a crop of workers who will do as they say and not question anything. The farther along a person goes in getting degrees and then post graduate degrees proves to future employers that the person can do as they are told to do and conform. Those degrees come at a cost so employers are willing to pay a little higher wage to employees who have those degrees knowing that the employee has demonstrated that they can conform to the rules.
Your situation and the paper you wrote demonstrated that you hadn't fully succumbed to the previous indoctrination process completely so rather than spend any more time and effort on their part to "fix" you they just booted you out... kind of like a assembly line; where if a part used in making a widget doesn't meet specifications they trash that part and grab another one to keep the assembly line moving, there would be no sense in trying to fix the defective part when they have boxes of good parts waiting to be used.
I think your safe from having your suit pressed by the steem cleaaners, I won't even go look to see if you used this comment on the last 50 posts you replied to like some others have been doing.


I do need some cleaning now and again...prefer my 5 liter econo shower setup for that though, living in my motorhome.

And I have absolutely no regrets being divorced from the academia, nor from the corporate world - have enjoyed nearly half a century of freedom from being caged by their crooked ways since!

There is a lot of work to be done yet though to free the innocent from a bunch of arrogant fools with more power than wisdom running the world.

Cheers friend!

Five liters wouldn't go far with me, I might be able to get my hands washed.
Glad you were able to break free and avoid the traps for as long as you have.

Amazing how adaptable creatures we are - used to be closer to 20 imperial gallons when I was an indulgent young lout, now down to less than one!

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