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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 06/11/18> It won’t be long before July 4th…

in #blog6 years ago

There comes a point when you just have to speak up when you see there is a problem and I reached that point a few years ago. The vast majority of the people here in the USA don't have a clue at what has taken place and is still going on today. Also that same vast majority may not see it as a problem, but when a person has to fear their own government in a "free country" then there really is a problem and keeping a person's head stuck in the sand isn't going to make the problem go away.
We have plenty of written history in the congressional records that proves we have been lied too, cheated and stolen from as a people and it just needs to be exposed.
If this just opens the eyes of one person it will be worth the effort.
Sorry that you ran afoul of the bosses, I hope you didn't have to spend any time for it in lock up.
The prison system is whole another can of worms, but they figured out a way to line their pockets using it and they keep making new "laws" to insure they will have plenty of "customers" spending time in the corporate storage facility.

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