Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 05/14/18> Pay no attention to your Doctor, sult n papper is good for you…

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

If your doctor tells you that you need to cut back on your salt intake and quit seasoning with pepper, tell him to take a hike over here to steemit and see just what your daily dose of sultnpapper consists of; I’ve heard some rumblings lately from people that their doctors are wanting to restrict what those folks are consuming.

I’ve been around long enough to know that about every few years the medical journals will come out with some study that says, “this XXX has been shown to cause YYY in a recent trial experiment at The ZZZ University” You can plug in a whole host of things in XXX and the same goes for YYY, and the whole purpose of the study was to just get some grant money to keep the ZZZ professor and his graduate students busy and put some money in their pockets.

I think that I would like to see the government gone from running our lives, but since that probably won’t happen in my life time I’ll wish for something that just might have a chance. How about we have the government start cracking down on universities using lab mice for experiments? That could have a chance, but we all would have to get behind it and push for it.
Several years ago it was monkeys being used for the experiments and trials on these new drugs and chemicals that were being used in products. Well all the monkey lovers got together and started protesting and sure enough it got the message a crossed that testing using live monkeys wasn’t right and it stopped. It wasn’t long after that when it was discovered that test were then being conducted on dogs and cats, even puppies and kittens.

You and I both know that there are whole bunches more cat and dog owners than there are monkey lovers and owners so it wasn’t long before those two species had to be given up on as test subjects. Seeing how I have some kids who like small furry pets, like guinea pigs, I thought that someone needs to start advocating for the current species of small furry animals that have been being used for these trials and experiments, the “rodencious laboratorios” , or more commonly known as lab rats and lab mice.

Yes, the same species I love to shoot in the barn at night I am now advocating for, talk about doing a 180 huh?

Yes, I am an admitted assassin when it comes to mice and rats but my girls have convinced me that even the little fur balls with long tails deserve the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of free grain. So the madness of killing for the sake of some extra bucks for the college professors has to stop. They are the only ones who benefit from their crazy asinine experiments.

All we ever get from those experiments is warnings that things might not be good for us like, coffee, eggs, bacon, bread ( my whole breakfast right there) and alcohol. Red meat, sugar, and all fried foods also made the list of things not good for us. I know there are more I am missing but I’m going from memory, so feel free to add to the list in the comments.

When you look at the amounts of these items that were fed to whatever the test animal used you can see that these experiments have no relationship to us as humans. When was the last time you ate ten times your body weight in any of these items in 30 days, 60 days, or even 90 days? You haven’t and never will, is my guess, yet those are typical amounts in most of these studies if memory serves me correct. Plus they do a little tweaking on the brains of these little creatures so their brain doesn’t register when they have had enough to eat, so they keep on eating.

Yet they never tell you how they do these experiments, just the results. Then about 10 years later another university will do another test and low and behold the results show nowhere near the same as the test that determined the substance was bad for us. How can that be? I’ll tell you how.

The university professors have milked the system dry on things to test to come up with what we should stay away from. So in order to keep the money flowing in they go back and conduct new tests and studies, only this time they give the test subjects reasonable amounts of the items being tested and guess what, now everything is okay, shazzammm.

No more need to worry about coffee, I wonder if Star Bucks may have funded any on that, now a glass of wine a day is recommended for good heart health and blood circulation. Bacon that got such a bad rap years ago is now the wrap of choice when it comes to stuffed jalapeno peppers, fillet minion, and several other meats. We can’t get enough bacon now and no one is sounding any alarms from the universities, I think they like it too now. Now they even have back pedaled on eggs, at least egg whites.

I haven’t seen where they have changed their position on white bread yet, but whole wheat bread seems to be okay. I don’t think they will ever change their position on the evil white powder that goes by the name, Sugar. She is just too sweet, so she has to be the devil, or maybe just evil when it comes to our health.

The truth is too much of anything, even the good stuff, can be harmful over time. But we have the ability to control ourselves and how much we consume, the test animals didn’t.

So join with me in advocating for the little fur balls, end the tests, and have all the sultnpapper you can handle and I’ll continue to refill this container daily with your carefully measured daily dose.

Until next time,

All photos and animals used in conjunction with this post are the property of @sultnpapper


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Well said! I hear breathing is bad for you too!?? I agree though, everything in moderation unless its bacon. Have a great day!

Depending on where you are at I think breathing could actually kill you, at least over time it could lead to a premature death for sure.

I would be willing to stipulate to an end for all drug and cosmetic testing on animals -- just for starters.


Yea, lip stick on pigs is cruelty not only for the pigs but others as well. All joking aside though, it would be a good place to start and move on from there.

I’m not sure about the US of A but in the EU stringent rules exist about testing on mice and academics/universities need to justify each mouse consumed.

This has generally been a great regulation as it has led to academics using the same mouse for different tests rather than using them as single purpose animals.

A general ban on animal testing is in place in the EU, with very strict rules for lab animals.

Well that is good to know, my girls will be pleased to know that. Here in the USA as far as I know, back in 2016 a bill passed that would put limits on using lab rats and mice for testing "chemicals", but didn't go far enough because while they animals may not be given the chemicals directly, it made no provisions for feeding them with foods that had been treated with chemicals. So you just couldn't stick them with a needle and inject them with the chemical, but it left a loop hole, which isn't uncommon here, that would allow them to feed the animals with food that may have chemical residue.

Doctors are not dieticians so they should not be telling what you can and can not eat. Overweight dieticians should not tell you what you need to eat in order to lose weight. And whatever studies that are being done, well you can skew test results any way you want. That is so you can skew them the other way in a few years...Eat wholesome foods in moderation. No problems.

You hit the nail on the head, @cicicastor , you can make any test come out any way you want it too, and it happens more than people realize.

We do live in a crazy twisted world, funding for research into nonsensical stuff but the real issues get neglected. We read about how bad certain foods are for our health and then we hear about the benefits, coffee is a prime example.
But like you say, it's all about moderation and balance.
Are we not being brainwashed to make certain industries flourish?
The pharmaceuticals are the worst; one hears of research proving inexpensive cures but then it's squashed because there's no money to be made!
But I totally agree with you regarding the senseless and cruel research on animals, it has to stop!
Thanks for our daily dose of Sult n Papper, will not give that up for sure!

Thanks Lizelle, I was ulogging before ulogging was even cool and so I have to know what I'm talking about, right? I'll take that as a yes.
Moderation and balance is the key, even arsenic can be ingested without negative effects but I would never suggest people experiment with it, since getting it wrong could kill you pretty quick, but we eat stuff all the time that it occurs in naturally and it has no effect.
I think the creator who made this planet and us gave us everything we needed through nature to maintain our bodies, he even made the bodies self healing, so if we give it the right nutrients and nourishment we should never have had the problems we have now.
But in mans effort to make things better, I think we have screwed it up royally. Just my thoughts, I don't have the facts to back it up, other than a bunch of scars on my hands and legs were the my body healed the skin when I got some good size cuts.
I think one way to put a stop to bad medicine and unscrupulous drug companies is just make their executives use all the medicines they create for 3 or 5 years before they can be sold to the public, that way we can see the effects on humans before we decide to start taking them, if they won't use their own products I wouldn't trust them myself.

Yes to that first paragraph and yes to the rest of your comments especially the final statement!
I read an interesting little book a while back about the body's immune system; when we're sick it's like a war goes on inside our bodies with the antibodies fighting the bad guys, so if the balance is right those little fighters become the victors in this war.
I do believe in the old saying You are what you eat. How can we expect our body to be at optimum level if we don't feed it good nourishing food?
I'm a fine one to talk, have such a terrible sweet tooth!
My 86 yr old mother on the other hand will seldom let anything bad pass her lips, she actually pulls a face at yummy cream donuts, to her it's way too rich! Besides Mom having an acoustic neuroma (a benign brain tumor) she is still sprightly and super healthy.

I figured you would agree on most if not all, great minds think alike.
I am sure glad you told me what that was your mother has, I would have thought she had a flat top guitar that she plays with "acoustic" in the name.

Haha it sounds like it mr Papper! Mom further has genuine plumbing with a valve we have to check from time to time inside that little head of hers (called a VP shunt), this drains the cranial fluid that gets blocked by the golf ball sized acoustic thing! If she wasn't so fit her body would not have coped that well, only affects her balance and hearing. And she's stubborn, will not use a walking stick or any other aid besides holding onto rails or walls or my arm when we go out. She shoves me away however as soon as she finds something to hold onto :):)
Luckily she's tiny and must have strong bones; she does not have too far to fall and comes off it with just a scrape and a bruise, she however hides some of her falls from us, Miss Independence she is!

According to my dogs: "Bacon heals all wounds..."

I have to agree with your dogs. seldom do I find a problem that bacon can't remedy.

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