Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 05/12/18> Shoutout Saturdays for steembasicincome and Round 13 entry over at comedy open mic.

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Well , well, well it is that time of the week again and I am sure glad this week is over. It has been a busy week; we got the oldest girl, Blondie, confirmed into the church on Sunday and had a grand celebration afterwards at the local Italian eatery. Then I proceeded to tackle some other issues during the week that lead to the start of the Church of Sult N Papper , where I quickly appointed @bigtom13 as a Deacon in the Church, so Amen, Amen to Deacon Bigtom.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, I ran into another Tom I had not met before on here and that would be @tomfreeman , who actually was very instrumental in me closing up the church after two days. I am referring all my church followers over to him since he is already big into #steemchurch on here. These are both great guys and so they are both recipients of a steembasicincome sponsorship courtesy of the old man, me.

That leaves me one other sponsorship to dole out this week and it is a hard choice, since I don’t have another Tom right off the top of my head so I can have a Tom Trifecta. I thought about doing just a random search and pick out someone with the name Tom but we all know that just wouldn’t be right.

Then, I thought about if I knew any Uncle Tom’s on here, but again, I struck out on the Uncle Tom’s. You can never find one when you need one, kind of like the cops, they are always hanging around in your business when you don’t need them but they vanish when you do.

So that has left me kind of in bad situation, speaking of bad situations, I went in search of Pandora’s Box this week and I couldn’t even find one of those, and I was in the town of Pandora, Texas. You would think they would be available there, but no way. In fact there wasn’t even a gas station in that town, they had a church and a post office and that was about it. I guess if you want anything there in that town it better be a sermon or package of stamps.

Then I had a real brainstorm, I’d go look in my followers list and grab a Tom out there and then I would have my Tom Trifecta. So off I went and sure as shooting I had two Toms in my followers, one is already on my list in @tomfreeman so that left me with one and that was all I needed. There is just one problem though; I’m not going to sponsor a dead man.

@tomitheus was my other Tom, he joined here back in November of 2017 and as quickly as he got here he disappeared. I went and looked at his blog, he made three posts in rapid succession and high tailed it out of town, but he did follow me before he left. I guess I might have scared his ass off, since he was only following me and two bots. Back then though my charisma was not quite as polished as it is now, if he ever comes back and proves he’s alive I’ll include him by default, but not today.

I continue to keep typing but there just isn’t any Toms coming to mind, normally I just type and the shit comes to me like diarrhea but I’ve got writers blockage I guess, because I’m like plugged up here on finding a Tom. Wait, just a minute, how about a cat, a tomcat, is @grumpycat a tomcat? Does anybody know? Well, I can’t wait on answers, I have got to get this done, there is a pillow that keeps whispering to me and I’m getting where I’m starting to listen.

@slobberchops is going to be the third and final sponsorship this week; and for all I know his name might very well be Tom. But he is the one who actually exposed me to the steembasicincome program and without him doing that I wouldn’t even be on this here sponsoring people each week that I am doing. So, @slobberchops, even if your name isn’t Tom, you are as close as I can get for now, and I’ll just consider you as an Uncle Tom.

This has been my Shoutout Saturday edition of the daily dose and also my entry into the comedyopenmic round 13 competition. If you have been mentioned by name in this edition you are nominated to participate in the round 13 competition as well over at @comedyopenmic . Hope to see you there soon.

Until next time,



welcome back to COM @sultnpapper, you are right.... funny twice a week like clock work!

Well like clock work is accurate, the other is debatable, but what the hell, you guys are a good group and as long as can half play the game by my rules and yours I'll take a few swings, the worst I can do is strike out.

Thank you for returning to the palace of laughter.

My pleasure to be back here with you folks.

Tom tomorrow will find himself amongst other slobberchops named Tom. A worthy cause is that steembasic income... may you Tom on with it!

You were in my initial batch of sponsorship but i didn't make those public so I don't know if you caught that or not. I might have done better holding you off and going for the trifecta, I know plenty of butts on here, but your the best butt of all of them, that is meant as a compliment just so there is no confusion,

Your journeys in search of Toms is great. Steem Basic Income has popped up in my feed a few times, it must be a worthwhile endeavor for you to go to such great ends to find the right recipient.

I am pleased that you found the search entertaining. Steembasicincome is worth exploring and I believe that it will prove beneficial for those that use the program. It involves sponsoring people into the program, you just cant go over and sign yourself up, but for each person you sponsor you also receive a share in the program. I have made a personal commitment to find three deserving people each week and sponsor them in, there is nothing that they have to do on their part.
I would suggest that you take a look at the program, you might find it interesting and useful like I have.
Thanks for the nice comment.

Thanks @sultnpapper for the SBI share, much appreciated. There is no 'Tom' in any of my names, though my late-grandfather (who I never met) was named Tom. Does that count? ;)

Your welcome Uncle Tom, glad I am able to do this. And no, it doesn't count , you will forever be known as Uncle Tom Slobberchops with regard to this shoutout Saturday daily dose.

Wow! You have had a busy week. Have you got next week all mapped out? I used to do that but lately, too many things are up in the air to do much planning.

My schedule is planned out about 2 weeks in advance, so I can keep my stuff strait. It varies from time to time but for the most part about two weeks.

I am up for role playing as the Priest-in-charge of the Holy Church of Sult N Papper, Steemit parish. Just FYI.

Well since you already have holy in your name you might be a good fit, but the Church of Sult N Papper is a one denominational church, our denomination is SBD and Steem, just so we don't get confused with a catholic church we don't have priests; just preachers, deacons and accountants. Now we also have ushers , some one has to pass around the collection plate, but we keep a close eye on them.
If your heart is set on the priest thing I don't think I can help you there, but I could implement a youth minister position and put you in that spot, then you have access to the little boys almost like the priests do over with the catholics. But don't even think of pulling a fast on our children or I'll cut your nuts off, unlike the catholic church does with their priests.

Well. I'm having myself a week. Named a Deacon and fired (it was much softer than that but the end remains the same). I guess it's like being a Colonel in Kentucky, I can always be referred to as Deacon. That's a good title, I seem to be a little short on them.

This is my second big introduction to Slobberchops this week. Once is an accident, twice is a trend so I'm thinking I should at least go check him out. His likely being named Tom and all.

I know you've been following Sam's journey north and east. He texted me last night from Bethany, MO is more than half way to the promised land. It's amazing that he chose Bethany where I have friends. I don't think I've ever told him about that part of my life. I was already planning a stop there on my summer ramble.

Thanks for the shout out, and the scholarship. I now have multiple new, shiny things to look at, so I might be a little scarce the rest of the day.

You were not fired Deacon Tom, you were drafted and traded , like a major league ball player gets drafted and traded by a crappy team to a great team, @tomfreeman has a great team over there at steemchurch. When it comes to preaching I can't hold a candle to the folks over there, the wax always seem to burn my skin when it drips on me.
If Sam is in MO he is already well past the promised land, Texas, even the Duke, aka John Wayne, new that Texas is the real promised land, everywhere else is just an imitation like has been discussed earlier in the week.

I can confirm that @grumpycat is infact a tomcat.

I never have been a cat guy so it sounds like you might be able to answer a couple other question, is an alley cat and a tomcat the same thing ? What is the proper name for a male cat that has had his nuts cut off? thank you for answering the first question about @grumpycat in the post.

An alley cat is more gangsta, they're often seen in rap music videos.
If its nuts get cut off, we refer to them simply as "Pussies". Actually that word covers every male specie that gets his nuts cut off

Alright, you are just a wealth of knowledge, thanks for sharing. For some reason I thought that cats that got their nuts cut off were just grumpy cats. I learned something new today, their just pussies.

Yup and that's how it feels like to be married or so I hear.

Well married men have a secret that they don't share and you just have to wait until you are married to find out.
I know, I'm married.

A reliable source told me the key to staying married is to cut of your nuts and hand it to your wife

Not quite, but then I not married to your reliable source's wife so I can't say for sure, only he can.

Great post for appreciate you upvoted and follow you

Thanks and much votes much often. But you forgot to up vote, might you come back and do it now that I pointed that out?

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