in #blog2 years ago

Parking technology is constantly evolving. New tools have been developed over the years to make parking safer, easier, and more secure. Now License plate reading (LPR), technology is available for commercial use and is being used in many cities across America. What is LPR? How can it help parkers and parking managers? Continue reading to learn how license plate scanning technology is changing parking.

What is LPR?

Advanced camera systems are used to detect and verify the unique sequences of letters and numbers on a vehicle's plate. License Plate Reading (LPR), technology uses advanced camera systems. This technology can now consistently provide accurate readings due to advances in advanced analytics and artificial intelligence. LPR solutions are now available in many commercial settings thanks to these developments. LPR systems are becoming increasingly popular to automate ticketing at highway toll plazas. LPR is being used for many other purposes, including revolutionizing city parking management.

LPR is also known by other names, such as Automatic number-plate recognition, Automatic (or automated) license-plate recognition (ALPR), Automatic (or automated) license-plate reader (ALPR), Automatic vehicle identification (AVI), Automatisknummerpladegenkendelse (ANPG), Car plate recognition (CPR), License plate recognition (LPR), Lecture automatique de plaques d'immatriculation (LAPI), Mobile license-plate reader (MLPR), Vehicle license-plate recognition (VLPR), and Vehicle recognition identification (VRI).

Parkers have many benefits

LPR technology offers a new way to parkers to access secure parking areas. LPR technology offers many benefits to users, which offer a better overall experience for parking. These benefits include:

  • Automated Entry

LPR allows registered tenants to gain entry right away when they pull up at the gate. They no longer need to use clickers, tickets or fobs. They are instead given quick and easy access to your parking lot.

  • There are no tickets to lose

Parkers often find it difficult to keep track of parking tickets. This can lead to lost ticket fees and frustration. LPR is easy to use, as users scan their license plates to track where they are.

  • You have several payment options

How many times have your returned to your car only to find that you need to pay at a pay station? LPR technology allows users to pay their parking fees via their smartphones. Sztigerwong makes it even simpler by seamlessly connecting Access+ Premium LPR technology with Marketplace, their innovative payment platform. These solutions make it easy to pay with just a few clicks on your smartphone. This convenience eliminates the need to search for and use a physical payment station.

  • Traffic reduced

LPR solutions simplify parking entry and exit. They open gates immediately after authorized vehicles approach, without the need for interaction with a kiosk. This allows for quicker access and reduces congestion in your parking area.

  • Reduction in Wait Time

LPR systems eliminate the need to go to ticket machines or pay at the station to complete transactions. You can pay your parking spot on your smartphone before you leave your place, making it quick and simple for everyone.

  • Security

LPR technology gives parkers the assurance that only authorized vehicles are allowed to enter your facility. LPR devices also have camera systems that record the entry, exit and activities of any person trying to gain entry to your facility. Your parkers will feel safe knowing that they can park at your facility with no safety concerns.

  • 100% Contactless

Many people are more concerned about touching public surfaces after the recent COVID-19 outbreak. LPR solutions provide a secure, touchless, and contactless method to gain access to your parking lot. Secure parking will now be accessible to users without them having to worry about safety.

Parking Management Benefits

LPR is a way to bring parking facilities into the future. It gives parking managers stronger and easier ways to manage their parking. These tools offer greater security, better oversight, easier management, and higher quality parking experiences than traditional parking systems. Managers of parking facilities have the following benefits:

  • Get rid of tickets and passes

LPR eliminates the need for parking tickets and passes. Vehicles are authorized based upon their license plates. Management can save considerable time and headaches by not having to stock or manage physical parking passes.

  • Customers are happier

Customers of your facility will enjoy an unparalleled parking experience thanks to LPR parking systems. LPR parking systems offer seamless entry and exit and smart payment options that will keep customers coming back to your facility.

  • Increased Use

LPR solutions can reduce parking lot traffic and wait times. LPR solutions reduce idle time and allow you to process more transactions at a faster rate. LPR can also improve customer service and parking experiences, which will result in more repeat customers, which will drive higher sales for your facility.

  • Security

LPR parking solutions greatly improve security and safety in your parking lot. LPR makes it impossible for unauthorized vehicles to enter your parking facility. This ensures that only authorized vehicles have access. LPR solutions require camera systems that record all vehicles entering and leaving your facility. This will allow you to keep a log of all vehicles as well as the footage from the cameras. These footage and information can be viewed easily later in the event of an incident, which greatly assists any law enforcement efforts. The LPR cameras act as strong deterrents against crime. Any criminal activity can be recorded and stored by them.

  • Streamlined Management

LPR solutions simplify parking management and reduce the amount of time required for managers to manage their facilities. The system tracks each vehicle and records all transactions and payments in relation to them. All of this information is recorded and can be viewed anytime. LPR is the absence of physical access cards or passes. Sztigerwong's parking management platform gives real estate managers and owners all the tools they need to manage their parking facilities, add or remove tenants and manage guests. All this is done from their computer at home, office, or smartphone.

  • Simple Enforcement

Parking managers can find it difficult to enforce parking rules that allow only authorized and paid vehicles access to their facility. This is now much easier with LPR. You no longer need to manually check for violators and patrol your facility. LPR logs every vehicle that enters your facility and records when they leave. Managers can receive an automatic notification if a customer has not left their premises since the expiration of their authorized parking window. Sztigerwong's Enforcement app can be connected seamlessly to their LPR offering Access+ Premium, with LPR. This gives managers all the tools they need to enforce their rights.

  • Eliminate ticket swapping

Traditional ticketed parking systems can make ticket swapping difficult and could result in a significant reduction of revenue. LPR makes this a non-issue. LPR tracks vehicles by their license plates, so there are no tickets to exchange and revenue cannot be lost. LPR systems track every vehicle that enters and exits your facility. This makes it impossible for customers to lie about how long they spent there.

  • Pollution and Emissions Reductions

LPR systems make it easy to get vehicles in and out of your facility, reducing vehicle idle time and traffic congestion. This reduces vehicle emissions and polluting substances that could build up in your garage. This reduces the ventilation required in your structure, which makes your customers happy and healthier.


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