I am a geek who loves to lift weights

in #blog6 years ago

Even though gaming and geek culture in general, could be considered my main passions and drivers in life, I do have at least one other activity that I enjoy engaging in, that is outside this realm made up of movies, games, comic books, music and everything associated with them.

I am a geek who loves to lift weights.

I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one in this category, but weightlifting, or fitness in general for that matter, isn’t something that is usually associated with neither gaming nor geek culture.

And hopefully talking about my experience and knowledge relating to physical fitness and nutrition will help increase the number of geeks who also happen to love lifting weights.

Because neglecting one’s physical existence in favor of one’s intellect, while might seem to some as a worthwhile exchange, shouldn’t really ever be considered.

And I talk here from personal experience, because I was that guy who focused on his intellectually-centered passions and endeavors, not really paying any mind to the physical shell in which the mind - his most precious of possessions - resided.

This was due to several factors that I won’t get into right now, but suffice to say, till the age of 25 I had never even considered that I’d enjoy anything close to physical exercise.

When I was 25 I got my first full-time job, in a small office with a couple of human colleagues. Up until that point I had worked as a freelancer, from my home.

I had seen what working a full-time office desk job had done to the friends I had from highschool. It had turned them into sluggish, sedentary and rather fat versions of who they used to be in highschool.

Now mind you, a lot of that has to do with how the human body develops through time. What was true when you were 17 - in terms of your physical abilities - is no longer valid once you’re 27. Your rate of regeneration from any sort of damage or fatigue is considerably lowered once you’re past the 25-year mark, generally speaking. But there’s only so much that can be attributed to genetics once human laziness takes over combined with the stresses of being a responsible adult.

And knowing that, I said to myself that I won’t allow the same thing to happen to me too, because sitting for eight hours straight in a chair for work will only add to the other hours I sat in a chair for fun and entertainment, so I decided to take a couple of those hours and invest them in my fitness and health, by going to the gym.

That’s when I started on my path towards discovering the fact that I really enjoy lifting weights and that there’s also a lot of geeky science that goes into both physical exercise as well as nutrition. Both of which should be taken into consideration when approaching a healthy lifestyle.

So this article is more meant to introduce you do this side of my life.

In the past seven years I have experimented with a lot of things, both in terms of exercises as well as nutrition, have read quite a few articles and studies, and I plan on sharing with you most of the things that I’ve found out worked to make me a healthier and stronger version of myself.

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Yeah, i had some weight issues while my work at the university, because i sat around the whole day. My main problem right now, is my right shoulder, giving my needle pain one some occasions. So always right posture !

I try to lift weights a few times a week but I need to do so more often.

You are correct about recovery taking longer with age. Our testosterone usually starts dropping around the age of 30 and continues to at a faster rate the older we get.

That is indeed true however, that doesn't mean we can't continue to build muscle. Only that we need to be considerably more careful and even more patient with ourselves.

Exactly ... exercising is good for you regardless of age.

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