All you want to know about Panama documents .. The biggest leaks in history

in #blog7 years ago

The media and social networking sites have been talking about Panamanian documents, the largest and most extensive leaking of data in history, more than the Wikileaks leaks.

Panama documents are unprecedented informational leaks, for about 11.5 million files from the database of the fourth largest law firm in the world, "Mosac Fonseca." The information was obtained from an anonymous source which was received by the German newspaper Deutsche Zeitung and co-sponsored by the International Federation of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), which in turn worked to share data with a large network of media including 100 newspapers from the world, to produce a huge investigation About the documents.

What has Panama's documents revealed?

The documents showed how rich and powerful people used safe havens to hide their wealth, and that a number of important figures were involved in illegal acts such as smuggling, money laundering, arms trafficking and drugs through the exploitation of secret foreign tax regimes. Among those involved are 12 former and former presidents of the world and 143 politicians, whose families and relatives around the world have used their so-called tax havens.

To make the picture clearer, we should know what tax havens are.

Tax Haven or Tax Haven is an area that charges less or no tax at all, that is, banking systems in that region are governed by strict laws to keep customer accounts confidential, to help them evade taxes in their country, and thus to conceal their wealth.

Iceland's first prime minister victims of Panama documents
The first to be ousted was Iceland's Prime Minister Sigmundor Gunloughson, who resigned after the scandal. The leaks indicated that Gunlugson had his wife, Wintries, registered abroad, and charged with concealing millions of dollars in family assets.

What is Mossack Fonseca

Is a law firm based in the State of Panama, which provides secure tax havens, which is to incorporate and register companies in foreign jurisdictions and jurisdictions, such as the British Virgin Islands. The company charges annual fees for managing the offices of these companies and provides wealth management services.

Where is its headquarters?

Mosac Fonseca is a Panamanian company, but operates worldwide. Its website has a global network of 600 people working in 42 countries. It operates in tax havens such as Cyprus, the British Virgin Islands, and the British Crown regions, such as Jersey, Jersey and Man Island. The leaked data from the company is about 200,000 companies registered in the areas mentioned earlier, only 100 thousand of them in the British Virgin Islands!

It is important to note that it is not necessary to deal directly with the owners of the company. Many transactions are conducted through intermediaries such as accountants, banks, lawyers and credit companies in Europe. These intermediaries are based in Switzerland, Jersey, Luxembourg and the United Kingdom.

Who are the owners of the funds?

It is difficult to predict the personalities behind the transfer of funds to tax havens. Real owners conceal their personalities behind other names that have no authority or assets within their companies, and all they do is lend their signatures. But it can be said that most of these owners of China and Russia.

Company size

Mosac Fonseca is the fourth largest law firm with tax haven services, has worked for over 300,000 companies and has a strong relationship with the UK. More than half of the registered companies are in British tax havens, as is the United Kingdom itself.

Leaked data size?

Lot Lots a lot! These leaks are the largest and largest in history, outweighed by the size of Wikileaks leaked files in 2010 and the secret intelligence documents that Edward Snowden leaked in 2013. The exact figures are 11.5 million files and documents, a database of 2.6 terabytes of derived files From the company. In 2010, 1.7 megabytes (GB), 2013 Offshore secrets were 260 GB, Luxembourg 2014 tax files were 4.4 gigabytes, and HSBC files in It was 3.3 GB.

Does anyone use fraudulent tax haven services?

The answer is of course not, the use of these services is completely legal, and there are many legitimate reasons to do so. For example, businessmen from Russia and Ukraine put their assets abroad to protect them from criminals' attacks, as well as restrictions on foreign currency. Other uses include inheritance and real estate planning.

What was the company's response?

Mosac Fonseca said it would not discuss specific cases of alleged wrongdoing, said it regrets any abuse of its services, and is trying hard to prevent it.

Ramon Fonseca Mora, director of the law firm, said he had a technical report proving the company was exposed to piracy from overseas servers. Mora denounced the lack of talk of the press about piracy, which was the company, while it is the only crime committed in everything that has been said! He was also surprised by the concentration of information leaked to the most famous customers, including political figures, heads of state and athletes.

Everyone is waiting for what will be revealed in the coming days. Will other heads be overthrown after the Icelandic prime minister? Is Stank

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