
in #blog6 years ago

We spend so much time scanning and planning. Managing the tasks upon us. Damage controlling, or trying to control outcomes one might say.

But how much time do we spend in silence where we allow our dreams to whisper to us their truths? Do you ever imagine in detail living out your wildest fantasy version of life?


Reality is as we perceive it to be, and we are immensely more powerful than we often want to acknowledge. We have the ability to impact our reality by clarifying what and how we want our life to be, and then visualizing THAT in our mind. Well, more than visualizing it, but EXPERIENCING the vision in our head, our heart and our gut. Picture it. Feel it. Smell it. Taste it.

You don’t have to have it all figured out. Maybe you don’t know how you want all the details to be of your perfect dream life? That’s okay. Just begin with something! One little aspect of how you’d like to live...a feeling of belonging, of being loved, a life of no hiding, or of sense of calmness in the midst of chaos. Sense your dream, and allow it be true in your mind for a few moments...Feel that!

Experiencing the vision. This is how it all begins ✨


You don’t have to have it all figured out.

We have become addicted to figure out about every detail and how rationale is our dreams. Rationality at all is taking us no further than what the system is allowing us. That is why our visions should come from our hearts not our minds.
Thank you @steemed-open for the inspiration.

It’s just seeking security. That’s why we try to have it all figured out. Eliminate the unknowns. Then the mind thinks it can relax and enjoy itself. But that way of thinking keeps us stuck scanning and planning and missing the joy of the ride!


I love this message. Life has been teaching me very similar lessons, and I've really been enjoying the ride since being aware of the power of my thoughts and manifestation.

I still sometimes struggle with knowing what I want to achieve in life, but at the very least, I know how I want to feel, and by visualizing and experiencing these feelings, life always seems to come together better than I could have ever planned :)

Yes just figuring out what you want is the starting point and can be hard. We often think it has to be something big and grand, but it can be simple like raising your kids with joy. i love your approach of just imagining how you want to feel. The exact details don’t matter so much. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. :)

That damage controlling got me into many mental burnouts as I am very often a perfectionist. In the past I used to think of it as a quality, but not anymore.
Your version of experiencing a vision in our heads without having everything figured out might take away the risks of disappointment if that vision doesn't come to life. Very often it's those details that ruin some visions that we have.
Regarding your post's topic one famous quote comes to my mind: expect the unexpected and you'll never be dissapointed.
You have to have a vision though...otherwise you'll just drift into others.
Wish you a great day!

It can be a virtue...wanting to do things in the very best way. But ya perfectionism is a joy zapper and is usually fueled by fear, so I guess discernment is the key. Noticing our tendencies and being honest about our motives.

I always appreciate your thoughtful comments. 🙏🏽

Same here.
That's the magic of Steemit: sharing ideas and concepts, finding people to resonate with, learning and having fun.

And it really works! Someone may think nonsense, someone will say that this is a miracle. But the visualization of desires - it really works. I know that from my own experience. Maybe it's really the power of our mind and consciousness. The setup that we give ourselves and then intuitively go to that goal.

I’ve had success with my dreams coming true as well. Thanks for your comment as you have helped inspire my next post on manifesting. 🙏🏽

Do you ever imagine in detail living out your wildest fantasy version of life?

All the time. But an everyday boring life gets in the way of the wildest fantasy part.

Seriously though, I've explored this detailed visualization approach as well as the Law of Attraction theory and tried repeatedly to apply them to manifest my intentions but I'm still on the fence as to whether I've been successful.

Has this approach worked for you? Enough so that you are personally convinced of its power?

Thanks! Great topic!

Great question. I’m going to reply via a separate post about manifesting. 👌🏼🙏🏽

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