
Meredith Brooks singer/songwriter :-)

I knew that's the Meridith Brooks you meant! Yes...Bitch...her song started playing in my head AFTER I had this big realization. There is that line "lover and a mother" in it like I said above, but I swear my insights happened from my gut, AND THEN I remembered her song. It is supporting my insight, not leading it. (Sorry, my ego just wants to claim autonomy.)

I'd love to hear more about your goosebump reaction that ..... wait...yes your post just got edited. So now my response is in reply to words that no longer exist. LOL

Hardly can get out of this state of amazement! Never thought, Meridith Brooks' song was leading your thoughts... actually, when I mentioned it, I thought you were most likely too young to even know it anyways.

So, it surprises me quite a bit to find out, a similar thing happened to you... your text sort of... "attracts" the song ;-) And its almost funny, that the first thought shooting through my head when I woke up this morning was: "..It's goddess" ..."goddess on my knees". Of course you knew it already ;-)

Hope you don't mind I edited my text. It seemed very personal and sometimes I need to remind myself, that this conversation takes place in the broad public! I'm a Scorpio ascendant and rather secretive by nature... normally don't even talk much about my feelings... if anything, deeply encrypt them in my paintings...

I know, its not prudent to ask a Lady about her age, but I would be very interested, to know your personal Tarot card. One needs the (honest) birth date though... I'm on with the same name, just in case ;-)

But I can also comment here with the (very easy) formula and you can calculate it yourself :-)

No of course I don't mind you edited. It's your comment. 🙏🏽 I only thought it was funny we were both there typing at the same time. 😂

I'm not an observer of prudence. My nature tends to want to hide and the way I manage that is the opposite - openness and full disclosure. I have no shame over my age...I'm 47. Just looked up Tarot birth card calculator, and mine are Death and the Emperor. How would you interpret that for me? 🙏🏽

When I say, I thought you were a lot younger, a friend I had in my Chicago days (an Italian art restorer) would have answered to me: "you are only saying this, because its true" ;-)

I'm sure, with the calculator they gave you at least a basic understanding of those two cards. From the way I learned the Tarot, "Death" is the higher one (Soul), representing transformation and "Emperor" the lower (Personality) representing order.

Before I go into this a bit further, it would be interesting to have your zodiac sign and your Chinese Horoscope (Dog?)

I have found this combination to give a more accurate picture, although I always recommend to take such things not to dead serious :-)

I'm an Aries Dog. 🐏🐩
