
in #blog6 years ago

I work out a lot. Running, weight lifting and lots of yoga asana 🕉. As a result my body and mind are, IMO, very fit. Good lord...ESPECIALLY for my age - I am 48. I am not ashamed of my effort in these activities and I’m no longer going to make, “awe shucks, I’m just hustling over here because exercise keeps my crazies away. 🤪☺️” That is true, I am more mentally centered with intense physical activity. But I also work out because I love to feel and look healthy, strong, and attractive. There, I said it. I like to look good. I like looking sexy! I like catching your eye. 👀

Here is what my life is all about:
-service and devotion to my Man. This is my greatest joy and purpose. I wrote in my diary when I was 7 years old, “if he’d just love and respect me I’d be like a slave to him.” ✌🏾truth. He does, and I am essentially his happy, devoted #loveslave 😆😍🙌🏽🙏🏽😘👣

-mother to my children. From what my daughter wrote to me for Mother’s Day yesterday looks like I’m doing a decent job of that. 🙏🏽💗

-#nohiding being open and honest about my inner workings as a human to inspire other humans to take a look at their own inner shit and find their truth. I do this through my blogs, by supporting and contributing to the yoga center that we helped found, and by just, presence and honesty in all of my interpersonal relationships


That’s it ☝🏼 that’s all I’m about. So running, weight lifting, and yoga asana keep me mentally and physically healthy to do all of that MORE BETTER and help me stay in beautiful working order so I can enjoy many more years of sexy love with my man


Hallo @steemed-open, you look great and your legs are beautifully shaped. I know Yoga can be a real cardio. I am also a yoga fan for both body and mind. This is an excellent training, stretching and relaxation. Well, I am happy that I have found your profile 🤸🏼‍♀ Have a nice day

Thank you 🙏🏽

Hahaha the last sentence made me smile. Hope to find a wife with such a mindset one day.

All in all I totally understand you - it is so important to have a good workout in so many terms. Since I started doing sports again I feel much better and stronger.

As always - nice shot :-)


Yes, everything feels and works better when we take care of our machines, no? Glad you are experiencing that as well.

Thanks for your comment and the upvote! I hope you find a wife like me one day too. 😉😆

Nice story. But you are obviously only 28. No one will fall for that 48 BS

great to be on-the-go, fit and healthy, but important to be able to truly stop for long periods of time without coming undone, too.

You are right. Stillness & silence are more challenging for me than action. But I know this about myself and have a seated practice too. Balance is the goal

I love it that someone is willing to admit they work out because they want to look good! I hate it when people are into fitness and lie that ”i do it because i want to be strong”.

I’ve been there too. The zone where you are uncomfortable with your truth and you make up excuses why you work out so much. I’m just done with that. I do feel better mentally and just want to be strong and healthy, but it’s also about improving the quality of my meat. 😆

It shocked me when I read "I am 48". It is really great to hear that you are aware of what should you do to make life healthy and happy. Also it helps many to learn how to be like you. But all we need it peace and happy life with beloved persons. Best of luck with you children.

Go, sister! Preach! 🙌


When looking at the pictures from your daughter's post dedicated to you on Mother's Day you seem like being close sisters rather than mother and daughter.
In my opinion the balance between a regular work-out, yoga and an over all state of well being and self confidence is the best beauty treatment that anyone can have. Even men look younger when they work out and do yoga.
Thtat's why I need to make myself a schedule again and regain my overall state of well being.

Thank you my friend. Yes, the benefits we get from the various exercise routines are really about increased vitality. ✨ that’s the energy that really impacts our attractiveness. It’s hard to establish a routine at first so I wish you luck on your efforts to start a schedule. 🙏🏽

you don't look 48 at all. Awesome work on the body!

Great effort and your looking good for it! Nice to see people wanting to keep their bodies fit and healthy rather than muscular. Looking good 💯🐒

I’d take muscular. I’m just not built for bulk but rather long and lean. Thanks honey. 😗

I mean excessively muscular you've got a balance. What I find funny is the guy's all pumped up on top with funny chicken legs haha 💯🐒

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