Travel the roads of Ukraine. Virtual tour in Beregovo. Gipsy ghetto. Fear and horror.

in #blog8 years ago

When we booked Hotels We did not know that in the next street there is gypsy ghetto. We saw it when the evening came to a walk.

About the area know little and inhabitants of the city. And those people who know do not come to the area.

These 2 pictures I took from the site of a journalist who was not afraid to come into the middle.

Photo source:

Frankly I was scared when I saw Gypsies settlement. Dirt and poverty is evident in every meter their the town. 

Of course, now the Roma do not live in tents and caravans, but the quality of life significantly for the better has not changed. Most of the buildings in the camp quite simple and flimsy: they are made of construction waste or, at best, of adobe, home-made bricks.

Taking pictures their the camp is forbidden to do. To do this, you have to go negotiate with Baron. We do not have. As it turns out is very dangerous to go to the territory of the Gypsies. So we took pictures from afar.

Beregovo - the city with a predominantly Hungarian population. Gypsies also moved to the Hungarian language in everyday communication, forgetting their native dialect. If necessary, they will speak to you in Russian, but it is likely to be asked to contribute money "for the treatment of a sick relative."

A positive thing we learned is the fact that Gipsy children go to school. They usually have the children do not learn in Ukraine.

The headmaster said that parents do not understand the benefits of education. Already with thirteen or fourteen years old children are attached to the work, often take with them to the big cities in the construction, to beg in the streets or recycle waste.

Much impressed one little gypsy boy to me. He was 6 years old, but he can not speak. He knows only his first name. He said that his name was Bile. My husband and I bought him a couple of chocolates, because the child has never seen sweets. With tears we have gone about their business. And in my mind was that little gypsy boy Bile.

But these photos did itself.

Do not miss my next publication. I'll tell you about the old count's castle.

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