Travel on roads of Ukraine. Virtual tour of the arboretum "Alexandria"
Hello friends! I want to carry out another tour in Ukraine for you, namely the arboretum "Alexandria". It is located in the town of White Church in the Kiev region. My family and I have traveled several times to rest. We really enjoyed and I think we will go there again. This park is a true sample of the landscape park composition, which is based on plants, architecture, sculpture, water surface of the river Ros and ponds.
Alexandria Park is very beautiful due to that aura that hovers there. Do not press, just the nature surrounds everywhere. You can wander into a place that no one will find you were not around and there would be no soul ...
Alexandria Park has an area of 200 hectares, going to the park is very important to put on something easy and convenient. Entering the park wide walkway is visible, which leads inland from it extend a little track, and is, think about where to go ?!
The park Alexandria, impregnated with a plurality of reservoirs, ponds and waterfalls. Through it also runs well-known in Ukraine river Ros. On the lakes quietly swim ducks and swans to the birds in the park lived comfortably, they have built lovely houses. Who has the desire takes home a loaf of bread, and goes to feed the birds in the park. Accustomed to people duck swim very close. When we swan with his house in the middle of the lake, swam right up to the shore, but we have nothing tasty for it unfortunately was not.
A bit of history
The author of the master plan for development of the park has become a well-known French architect Myuffo. In the mid-nineteenth century, the park "Alexandria" acquired great fame. It was visited by famous people of the time: GP Derzhavin, Pushkin, Taras Shevchenko. Repeatedly been here Decembrists, members of the Southern Society: MP Bestuzhev-Ryumin, SI Ants-Apostol, Pestel and others known Polish poets and artists: Ian Lippoman who wrote about "Alexandria" wonderful poetry Yang Brovinsky that after visiting the park gave the well-known poem "Alexandria".
Ruins "waterfall"
Built in the late XVIII century. His views are reminiscent of the ancient ruined castle. The main purpose of construction - to create the illusion of buildings destroyed by time. In addition aesthetic purposes, "Ruins" perform practical role of the retaining wall.
Amphitheatre (Colonnade "Echo")
The construction of the colonnade from the end of XVIII - early XIX centuries. Presumably the work of the architect IE Starova. The structure of different interesting acoustic properties - whisper pronounced at one end of the colonnade, well hear on the other.
During the Civil War, the colonnade was completely destroyed. Restored under the leadership of DM Krivoruchko in 1959.
Beard rubbed to a shine - for her stick to make a wish. Empty space is very difficult to catch, so we had to wait a bit to photograph without people.
Composition "Varna"