10 scientifically confirmed dietary guidelines

in #blog7 years ago

Do you know that according to trends examined in this analysis, in the past week, humanity has crossed a certain limit? From now on, there are more people in the world who are obese than those who are underweight. This means that over the past forty years we have been able to move from a situation in which the number of underweight people was more than twice as large as those with obesity, to a situation in which obesity had a numerical advantage over the emaciated. Fighting against temptations, extra kilos and obesity is bad in the whole world. In addition, we are entering this magnificent period when all the chocolate bars eaten in December will remind us of ourselves in the form of fatigue from the bottom of the trousers. But before you start fighting the fat and the present size, I have a collection of scientifically validated tips that will make your fight easier. Come!

1. Be aware of the portion size

In this study, the researchers invited fifty-four volunteers, aged 18 to 46, to the table and then served them soup. Some of the subjects received normal bowls which, after God had emptied and ended the meeting. The rest of them unknowingly used the technologically advanced bowls, which slowly and unnoticed complemented the delicious soup. After the meal, the subjects in the second group, even though they ate 73% more on average than those who ate the normal bowls, declared that their meal size was not as large and that they did not feel more fed up with the group.Otherwise the customers of a certain restaurant were used. On a variety of days, a variety of pasta portions were served (248 and 377 grams respectively), without altering the price of the dish and without informing the ordering party. After the meal, the remaining leftovers were weighed, and on this basis, a large percentage of the food was consumed. It turned out that people who were given a heavier meal consumed an average of 172 kcal more, but also - if the pasta was not the only meal ordered - they all consumed 25% more calories than the people who served less. As in the first study - and here the perception of the size of the meal between the first and second group did not differ.What does it mean? The fact is that our brains are probably not so good at estimating the size of meals that we consume and are not able to easily catch the difference between a cup of tomato and its big platter. Weighing and measuring what lands on our plates (and also the capacity of the vessels we use) can be a pretty good option for those who want to get rid of body fat.

2. If you have to choose, attitudes to diet

Firstly, exercises are important, and the most effective ways to lose weight are always physical. However, if you find yourself in a situation where you have to choose between diet and sports, it seems that you will be better off following the first one. Studies show that it is better to keep track of what lands on the plate and then do not exercise, rather than eat what gets dropped, then try to burn extra calories in the gym. One such argument is that studies show that populations that are more physically active (and this applies to both humans and animals) are far less energy-efficient than less active populations. All because the organisms are rapidly adapting to regular exercise, and the level of energy consumed by those who are often and intensively exercising at some point ceases to grow and reach a plateau.

3. Keep away from the TV

And probably also with a computer, a tablet and everything that makes you spend a lot of time sitting-eating. In 2003, the results of a six-year study of over 50,000 middle-aged women were published. It has been shown that every two hours spent watching TV during the day increased the risk of developing obesity by 23% and diabetes by 14%.Another study, conducted on children between the ages of 7 and 9, showed that the amount of time spent in front of the TV and the value that television had in the eyes of the children have a negative impact on the eating habits that appear and persist in the future. Children who spend most of their time in the TV most often eat high calorie snacks and least often fruits and vegetables, thus condemning the higher risk of developing obesity.

4. Remember that strong will is really ... the right level of glucose in the blood

In this study, it was demonstrated that people who performed tasks requiring strong will and control over their behavior had a lowered glucose level. The low blood sugar level had an effect on the results of subsequent tests of strong will and increased the probability of failure. If dieting is one big struggle for you, and every decision to take lettuce to your lips requires you to engage in immeasurable decks of will, make sure your blood glucose fluctuations are as small as possible. Regular meal times, lots of fiber and whole grains should help.

5. Sleep!

According to these results, every night you sleep in good quality sleep lasting at least 7 hours is 33% more chance of getting rid of extra pounds. Every sleepless night is a lack of energy, and the lack of energy forces our bodies to increase appetite and intake of calories. Irregular and poor sleep quality not only increase the probability of weight gain, but also the development of diabetes.

6. Drink coffee, but in moderation

Caffeine is metabolized in the liver to paraxanthin - a substance that enhances lipolysis, the process of fat breakdown. Besides, blocking sleep receptors and giving us a kick also increases the body's ability to work and allows for more effective workouts. With this second application of caffeine, there are two problems: Firstly, people show very different sensitivities to this substance, so the results of the study can not be relied upon by all, and second, our organisms unfortunately tolerate this magical drug. This means that after a month of coffee support before you go to the gym, you probably will not feel any effect anymore.

7. Use the application

Inclusion in your diet and exercise plan, dedicated to maintaining good shape can have great effects. This proved to be the case, for example, of a study involving 69 people in their sixties, who for one year tried to dump extra kilograms. Those who used a special application that calculated their caloric intake achieved a 3.1% improvement over the non-techies in the year.So it comes out that spitting applications for us beautiful tables, monitoring progress, remembering the workouts, calories consumed and lost kilograms, are not unnecessary hindrances, but a very effective tool to maintain motivation.

8. Weigh yourself often

Yes, I know everywhere, that if you're already on the scale, it's only once a week. Unfortunately, science seems to deny the validity of such an approach to the matter. Many studies (eg, click, click) indicate that frequent weighting promotes more effective weight loss and prevents the jojo effect. There is a lot of talk here - having a whip in mind that we're weighing the next morning, it's very good for our motivation, and it makes it easy for us to refrain from picking.It is probably best to combine regular weighing with what I wrote in the previous section, with a tool that will allow us to assess whether any jumps on the scale are a one-off (and completely natural) fluctuation, or may fit in a larger trend. Especially women should remember that the weight they are most concerned about is from the time they are in the cycle.

9. Chill out

Chronic stress increases the body's need for foods rich in fats and sugars, and their excess in the diet promotes the development of obesity. The relationship between nervousness and obesity is not entirely understood, but many studies suggest that stress triggers some hormonal and immunity factors in the body that can lead to, for example, appetite disorders. Stress can also trigger emotional need in some cases and lead to compulsive overeating.

10. Instead of juice - fruit, and instead of cola - gel

If you decide on sugar, it will be much better if you consume it in a solid rather than liquid form. To put it simply: it's better to have sugar for a moment to stop in your tummy. Not only does it give us a sense of satiety but it also absorbs more slowly. If we drink it together with the drink, not only do we not have a chance to satisfy the hunger, but also do a great jump in blood glucose. It has been found that those who eat more calories than they eat are at greater risk of developing overweight and obesity. The case also concerns fruit juices. For some time it has been increasingly pointed out that their excessive intake may be a factor contributing to the development of obesity and recommends limiting them or diluting with water.
Although I constantly look forward to appearing on the horizon of the miracle diet, which would allow me to absorb the infinitely large jars of nutella and the simultaneous preservation of the line, all indications are that my hopes would rather not be fulfilled. The good news, however, is that among the known human diets there are basically no such things that would be particularly effective. This means that if you are not a chicken and cheese fan, you do not have to commit to high protein diets, and if you're having nightmares about nuts and steaks, you can calmly opt for a diet other than paleo. Science confirms that the most effective diet is one that is well balanced and which recommendations you are able to follow. Oh, the whole philosophy :)

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