
What a good read that was.
I agree on all what you say because it's not painful to read. HaHa!

Weltschmerz is quite common, I'd say. Most modern people are affected by it and take the world on their shoulders in trying to fix "the world". As it's impossible to fix it the attempt in nevertheless doing so causes further suffering. I would also say it becomes part of identity to "tick" in this way; also because so many are focused on it.

Pain is good. Suffering I would say is not needed. It's the same when you cut your finger and it bleeds. You feel the pain, it hurts and you use a bandage to make it stop bleeding. Than you go on with what you did.

If you were to be a suffering type, you would curse yourself to be so stupid in having cut yourself in the first place. Than you would blame also not yourself but the blade or the circumstances or even other people who made you feel stressed so that the cut was a result of them putting you into a rush.

Suffering stretches an event to an unnecessary extend. It's the complaining part in humans which cannot let lose of things which happened.

But I would say, tragedy is not overall avoidable, it has happened and it will happen to every single human being in one or another way. It depends then what one makes out of a tragic experience.

P.S. I like your eye-resters :)

I agree that Weltschmerz became this sort of ... tool to put yourself above others or maybe to strengthen self-esteem, as it includes pursuit of noble cause (fixing the world - let's put the question if it is necessary aside).
There could be a case that nihilism is blooming as a consequence (but it as well may be a cause) - it also points into alleged meaninglessness of everything (plus consequences of that - pain and suffering).
Sadly, I think it is misunderstanding, but what a fatal one it is - we are set in biological frame as I was writing in my posts, therefore we have a definition and from that - meaning. It may be a trivial one, but it does not downgrades its importance.

About the pain - I'm not saying it is bad, quite opposite, but actively looking for it would be a little bit of overdo as it can easily find you on its own.

Also, it would seem to me that you have quite different definition of suffering, as you described it as fixed reaction - blaming yourself, blade, circumstances and so on, while I see it as a plain of possible reactions (which you for example learned or had in you from biological structure) and it is those that bring you one of the outcomes.
Therefore, it is possible (in fact quite common) to learn "bad" reactions - and that would be what you described, unnecessary blaming, complaining and so on. That's why I said suffering is needed - to avoid this spiral of "bad" reactions you have to be exposed to it - otherwise you can't correct your habits.

About the tragedy - it seems to me again like you have a different definition - for me tragedy is similar to ... overall assessment of life, therefore it is more like 0 or 1. You either think life is a tragedy or you not.
Plus, your definition is exactly what I make out of suffering - "... is not overall avoidable..." and "what one makes out of [...] experience"
It is those experiences that define your sense of "tragedy".

I'm glad you enjoyed my scribbles, I hope you are having nice day =3

I tried not to melt over the day :-/

Only worked couple of hours and then hid in my apartment. Maybe it's going to be safe to go outside after dark. Right now my brain is not able to talk. So I just thank you for your answer ... and maybe tomorrow morning it cooled down so I can think again.

Feeling better today ?

I do agree that suffering is a means to personal growth too Sim :)
When you talk about ‘medication for suffering’ are you referring to ADMs?

You take care and good luck with your wisdom tooth! :*

Mostly ADMs, but there are other medications with similar (supposed) effects.
I don't like them in general as the real, or rather long-term, consequences of their usage is very vague, but if there will be no... long-term... then it is better than nothing I suppose.

I'm on straw - soup diet lately :< My grandma's chicken soup is awesome, but I miss normal food.

I will be fine though, cheers! :)

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