What if super speed was real?

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

What if Super Speed was real?

A discussion on the practical applications of the Speed Force

"Come on Barry you're running fast, so think fast!"


What is Super Speed?

Super speed, in the context of the DC comics universe, is facilitated by a connection to the Speed Force. The Speed Force is stated, on the DC Wiki to be: "a mysterious cosmic force that pushes time and space itself forward". People who are connected to the Speed Force are known as Speedsters. A connection to the Speed Force gives the Speedster a slew of abilities, such as but not limited to:

  • Superhuman speed
  • Superhuman agility
  • Superhuman reflexes
  • Superhuman stamina
  • Accelerated healing
  • Time/Dimensional travel (when the Speedster exceeds light speeds)
  • Electrokinesis
  • Enhanced mental processes (allowing the speedster to think at above light speeds)
  • Molecular acceleration (allowing the speedster to become intangible and phase through solid mass)
  • Speed Force aura (protecting the speedster and anyone/thing it carries from the dangers of extreme speed such as extreme G force and micro-debris)

How Fast can a Speedster move?



With the context of the above images it becomes evident that the top speed of Speedsters (especially the Flash) is incomprehensibly quick.

What if Super Speed was real?

Now with all the context dealt with we can begin with the fun stuff, what if someone gained a connection to the Speed Force in our own reality? We have a few options for this ones and because variety is the spice of life I'm excited.

  • The Hero : If we assume that a person of high moral calibre and good quality gained a connection to the Speed force it is reasonable to assume they'd become a hero. But this wouldn't be some red blur or fella waring spandex, at such speeds there would no point to wearing a costume. The Hero's casual cloths would be totally protected by their Speed force aura and they wouldn't want to risk compromising their personal life so why be seen at all? It would be a simple matter for the Hero to deal with any situation paused before them as they casually saved innocents and incapacitated criminals. The Hero would quickly become known world over and bask silently in the admiration of millions while also making the world a better place: not a bad option to say the least. The Hero would enjoy their heroic escapades extremely more then any comic book hero too, because they are the only super powered being in the world and their power is so immense no criminal could ever pose a threat. Thus we can assume the hero would be having as much fun as a kid in a candy store with their option.
  • The Master : If we assume that a person of extreme vision gained a connection to the Speed Force its logical to assume they would have very different uses for their powers then The Hero. The Master would see our current world and want to change it, some core ideal of human society is wrong to them and they will change it through any means necessary. With the power of the Speed Force the Master would quickly leave their native nation for more war-torn corners of Earth: seeking the resources needed for their crusaded of course. After establishing themselves as a potent warlord and criminal figure the Master would then move their organisation into bigger and bigger clandestine operations. Private corporations would be infiltrated and soon governmental agencies the world over would be corrupted. The driving force behind this of course is the Master's ruthless application of their Speed Force abilities to any situation that requires them. No security system could stop the Master, as they would move so quickly any goal would be in reach. It is reasonable to assume if someone took up the mantle of the Master the world would fall to their desire's within years.
  • The Explorer: If we assume that a person whose life is listless but has a great fondness for things remote gains a connection the Speed Force its reasonable to assume the Explorer would be born. The Explorer would use the time and dimensional travel abilities the Speed Force had granted them to learn all and see all. With all of space and time only a short jog away it is a tempting option. New peoples, species and variations would excited the Explorer; they could see anything unfold from a world where the Axis powers won World War II to a universe made entirely of diamonds. The Explorer though would never return to their native time and location, always running to the next exciting event or world they would be exploring reality for as long as they live: a life they would think was well spent (I would tend to agree).
  • The Terror : If we assume that a psychotic person gained a connection to the Speed Force it reasonable to assume we'd all be fucked. The Terror would unleash a new epoch of fear and death across the planet earth. Nothing would satiate their mad desire's, nothing would halt their terrifying lust's and the rest of us would be their play things. Perhaps one day they would boil away all the lakes in North America just to see what happens, another day they might decided all World of Warcraft players should fight to the death like they do in game. The world would be nothing but a hellish temple to the Terror's glory and we would all be their supplicant priests. Fear the Terror and worship them people would scream in the night but it would do little to save them from their new master. Thus, it's safe to say this would be a terrible terrible option.
  • The Chillr : If we assume that a person who just wanted to kick back and enjoy themselves gained a connection to the Speed Force then it would be reasonable to assume we'd be on. The Chillr would always have the best parties or gatherings, using their new godly abilities the Chillr would supply the entire party's drinks and become a local legend for doing so. The Chillr would get their friends into VIP areas no worries and continue their rise as a total top bloke because of it, logically it can be assumed then that the Chillr would be getting as much of the opposite sex as they want: no one could resist the charm and seduction of a Speedster. The Chillr would be able to whisk their partner away to any romantic destination in any reality: imagine that honeymoon. The Chillr would be the happiest with their abilities but also the least known, its a trade off between what they think really matters to them.

There are so many people in the world I'm confident these archetypes wouldn't fit everyone, but it was a fun exploration. The real conclusion here is that super speed is a goddamn serious power set, who ever has a connection to the speed force is unstoppable. Without the other DC comic heroes and villains a Speedster in our world could do anything without repercussions and just as the old saying goes: power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

With regards,


Follow me @simatricus if you're running fast but need someone to think fast for you, fees apply.

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