Why I Love Superheroes

in #blog6 years ago

I readily admit that I am something of a nerd. I love comic book superheroes. I loved them before the relatively recent flood of actual good superhero movies. I was a nerd, before it was cool to be a nerd (and I'm not sure if that makes me more cool, or more nerdy).

I finally figured out the reason why I love superheroes, and why I would like to be one. It wasn't that I wanted to fly, be super strong or shoot lasers from my eyes (although that would be cool). The first reason, is because when I see an injustice I would like to have the power to do something about it. That's why I wanted to take Karate lessons when I was a kid, so I could protect people from bullies. Well, and protect myself; remember: nerd. Even today, if I saw someone get attacked I would probably (and stupidly) put myself into harm's way.

But also, superheroes inspire other people. The best scene in Spider-Man 2 was when our hero stops that runaway train from crashing and that car full of passengers see that he's just a kid under the mask. When Doc Ock returns to capture him, all those people who were previously defenseless passengers stand up against the super-villain. Of course, they prove about as effective as me with my purple belt in the 5th grade, but still it was an inspiring scene.

Now watch as I make a smooth transition...

In my first book, I wrote a section on the power of words. Words have power. A few spoken words can bless or haunt your children for the rest of their lives. The words you use can be positive or negative. Words can spread love or hate. Words have the power to create and destroy. You can speak words of life or you can speak words of death. And in this Information Age, words spread with greater speed and force than ever before. Everyone has the potential for incredible power today.

That's why I try to be responsible with my choice of words, because I want to use what power I have to uplift and inspire people. Remember, "with great power comes great responsibility."

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://mattslawblog.com/why-i-love-superheroes/

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