The Beauty Of Trolling

in #blog7 years ago

Most of us, at one time or another, have encountered a troll. In this day and age trolls have become an integral part of internet culture. many of us however never stop and think of the importance of these individuals and the utter beauty of their tactics.

Trolling is a very combative style of rhetoric where the goal is to upset the targeted individual and exploit their anger to expose character flaws. So for instance, lets say I'm arguing with a man online and I make a racial remark. If that individual were to criticize my use of that slur while being derogative towards my race, I would have just exposed that he is a hypocrite. This is ultimately the goal of many trolls, to literally enrage someone and by manipulating of their rage getting them to expose the true nature of their character. This is ultimately very important and plays a critical role in internet culture. Trolls have exposed many famous individuals and corporations as being racially biased simply by trolling. This is not only limited to racial thing, I'm simply using it as an example.
There are many famous trolls but one of my favorites and arguably the most controversial is Andrew Auernheimer better known as weev. Back before his prison days he was absolutely one of my favorite trolls. He finessed reactions out of even the most uptight people with such ease it was almost unbelievable. his trolling wasn't exactly what made me like him however. What made me like him was his ability to maintain moral high ground even in his most despicable moments. That all changed later on when he became an absolute douche, but he was still pretty awesome back then.
Anyway, the point of this article was to talk about what trolling is exactly and why I find it to be a beautiful art. Hopefully you enjoyed this post, feel free to leave a comment or follow and definitely upvote if you liked the post.

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